Wednesday, June 2, 2010

wow old resolutions...

Found this just right now, memories... haha, so far accomplished 1, 5, and uh 7 (somewhat... lol). I still have that prayer, its taped to my ceiling to remind myself to pray when I wake up.

2007 New Year’s Resolutions

1. quit smoking for good
2. start eating right and lose 15-20 pounds (150-160, currently at 165, was 175 on Christmas haha)
3. do better in school
4. save money
5. start going to church and get my faith back
6. be a better person/son/brother/change my ways
7. have more patience
8. and most important, be happy.

A prayer I will say everyday when I wake up.

Dear Lord,
Give me:
The patience to listen.
The courage to speak.
The honor to follow.
The wisdom to lead.

I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

What about you, what do you expect from yourself in 2007?

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