Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Starting Over

Today's a new day. Just make an effort to do what you desire--to eat a healthy, rational, normal amount of food and to be active.

Here are some ideas:
• Eat half of what you'd normally eat.
• At restaurants, immediately ask for half your meal to be packed to take home.
• Switch foods: club soda or seltzer instead of sodas, no-fat milk or cheese instead of whole, baked chips instead of fried.
• Have extra helpings of vegetables and fruit, instead of heavy, high calorie/high fat food.
• Go for a 10 minute walk, at least. Or try a 20 minute stretching party.

These ideas are just a start. A good start: slowly and safely!

Each day is different, and you are a new you everyday. Here’s another blessed chance to re-create yourself anew, today.


Know When to Stop
When you’re eating, only eat one helping, or serving--one plateful. No matter how good it is, tell yourself from the start, you're not going back for more. You may not have the will or strength to do this--so start by asking God for help before you begin eating.

It may help you to slow the eating process down. Eat very slowly, chewing each and every bite. Really savor and enjoy the food you have. Be totally conscious of this sacred act of receiving the blessing of food and sustenance.

Think about how you’re feeling while you eat, not just about filling your stomach. Are you at peace, or is there some worry or stress eating at you? Take a slow deep breath between bites, feel some gratitude, and make this a peaceful, nurturing time.

Most importantly, while you’re eating when you feel the slightest full feeling--stop, say a prayer, ask for the power to stop--then get up from the table, go somewhere else, do something different.

If you finish a meal and still feel hungry, wait 20 minutes. It takes that long for your stomach to tell your brain that you’re full. While you’re waiting, have a big glass of water.

I promise you--you’ll feel full on much less food than you were eating before.


No single approach to weight loss works for everyone. We urge you to consult with your physician before making any significant changes in your eating habits or physical activities to ensure that what you propose for yourself is nutritionally sound, safe, and healthy.

Copyright by Norris J. Chumley, all rights reserved.

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