Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Last match

The last time you walk off the mat
You always wish that you had
Just one more chance to show
What it is in face you know
That if you were winning and you would go on and on
And if you were losing you could have won.

As the locker room dims to sob or shout
You linger to be the last man out
For this chance to win will not come again
And the “what ifs” envision
“What might have been” you wonder if
You had just what it takes.

As you look at your gear piled on the floor
You wish you could do it just once more
And you think of the weeks of sweat and pain
You have enjoyed the high and suffered the low
The hurt of defeat or victorious glow.

You dry off in the shower and slowly you pack
The gear that no more you will wear on your back
The season began – the season is o’er
You lift up the pack and head for the door.

As you open it outward you step to a place
Where the “challenge” is greater at “2 minutes”
Pace and the gear that you wear will be what you
Have learned the success you achieve will be
What you gave earned through all season long
On you light has been shed you greatest
Accomplishments still light ahead.

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