Thursday, June 3, 2010

Safe, Effective Stretching

The Importance of Stretching
Muscle and tendon strains and tears are common injuries to athletes and other active people. A tight muscle allows for less movement of the joint that it crosses and is, therefore, more likely to tear. These injuries are preventable, to some extent, if the muscles are kept at their optimal length.
Consciously lengthening muscles can reduce the stress on muscles and tendons during activity.
Proper stretching can lead to:
• Increased muscle length
• Increased joint flexibility
• Reduced chance of injury
• Reduced after-exercise soreness
• Improved performance
Proper Stretching Technique
Warming up immediately before stretching makes muscles more pliable and easier to stretch.
Warming up can be achieved by doing submaximal exercise such as walking, easy biking or gentle calisthenics until you feel warm—usually for about five to ten minutes. Athletes often perform their sport at an easy pace as a warmup.
The preferred technique for improving muscle flexibility is called static stretching. This means stretching a muscle or group of muscles until a mild, pain-free pulling sensation is felt, and then holding that position.
Move into the stretch position slowly and gently. Stretching should produce a pleasant feeling of mild tension. Being relaxed will make stretching more effective.
“No pain, no gain” does NOT apply.
To be most effective, the stretch should be held for one minute. You may notice that while holding a stretch, the mild tension has subsided. This means that the stretch is working, your muscles are lengthening and you are able to stretch a little more. Gently stretch a bit further until you feel the mild tension again and hold.
Do not bounce or strain. Static stretching, when done correctly, involves less risk of injury than ballistic—i.e., bouncing—stretching. Move out of the stretch position slowly.
Concentrate while stretching. Think about the muscles you are stretching. A technique you can use to promote relaxation and concentration is to breathe deeply through your nose while concentrating on the muscles being stretched. When you reach the point of mild tension, exhale.
To maximize the lasting effects of stretching, two to five repetitions of each stretch should be done.
A daily stretching program is recommended.

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