Wednesday, June 2, 2010


A simple easy to learn meditative exercise, which combines both a mantra and a mandala, is described as follows:

1. Find a quiet place where you can be alone if possible. (This technique may be done in crowded places as long as it is appropriate for you to close your eyes. If you cannot escape to your bedroom or other isolated spot, you can always close the stall door in a public facility to achieve some degree of aloneness and privacy.)

2. Sit in a comfortable position.

3. Close your eyes and take three deep breaths. Let your thoughts come and go.

4. Start to visualize a particular object-for example, a rose.

5. In your thoughts, start to repeat the word for the object-"rose"-over and over, at any speed or rhythm it wants to go.

6. As you continue to repeat the word, start to imagine the rose opening and closing in the same rhythm.

7. If distracting thoughts come into your mind, let them pass through. Continue to repeat your word and see its image. (Often, worries of the day, like "what shall I have for dinner" or "I have three exams to study for," will flow through your mind to distract you.?

8. Keep this process going from two to twenty minutes.

9. When it is time to stop, open your eyes slowly.

You should feel relaxed, refreshed, and less anxious after trying this technique.

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