Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Shoo Satan

Shoo Satan
By Faith Brown

I absolutely hate flies. One time, there were so many flies in my house that they woke me up. I laid in bed staring at them buzzing around my room practically mocking me. It got so bad that I got up and followed every single one in my house and swatted them.

Once, I was on a break at my job and decided to sit outside in the lovely sun and that’s when the little monster came. I started eating my food and kept shooing away the fly. I was amazed at the perseverance of this fly. Whenever I would shoo it away, it would simply sit back on the table and try to sneak up on my grilled cheese and French fries. I even saw it bounce closer and closer to my food and hide behind my brown bag, waiting for me to turn my head I suppose so it could snatch its’ prize. At one point, I thought I had finally won the battle and was free of this ferocious fly, but it surprised me and came back a couple minutes later. Finally, I finished my food and the fly left.

During the entire ordeal I began thinking of how this fly was a bit like the devil. The Devil is annoying, a pest, and can bring things that can ruin our moods. Like the fly, the devil doesn’t stop trying to snatch his prize. He wants our lives and he will try everything he can to get it! During the time the fly was bothering me I would think, “Why do you want my food so much? There is food all over this restaurant!” That’s just the thing! Likewise, the Devil wants our lives, or our food in a metaphorical sense, because we’re the ones that he knows won’t just give into him. He wants the Christians who are constantly shooing him away because they know that they have the authority to do so. I could have given into this fly and let him have my food because I was tired of shooing it away, but I didn’t! I stuck it out and he fled for good. We as Christians should also continue shooing away the devil because in the end, we have the victory! So, don’t give into the fly that is the Devil. Take the word of God and smash him.

“I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.” –Luke 10:19

James 4:7, "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." (KJV)


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