Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Make wise choices. Keep the faith in Christ!

Make wise choices. Keep the faith in Christ!

Working is good but always make time to worship your loving Savior and find a Christian mentor or counselor that will exhort you to obey the holy spirit.

These spiritual mentors help to remind us to trust in the Lord, not in ourselves or in the science. Trust in God's word.

That is why we need to be accountable to other Christians in our daily walk with Jesus.

One of our challenges as Christians is to become mature enough to learn from our spiritual mistakes. Stop repeating them! We often need help.

You must read the story of Kind David. The bible teaches us that God loved him immensely. And yet he was such a screw up!

King David fought huge battles against his flesh and always lost! But he always repented and begged God for mercy and forgiveness.

Father God never disappointed him, always forgave him, but also God had to discipline David, that is give a consequence for his sin.

If you give in to your flesh, God's word says that our gracious Lord will forgive our weakness and give us strength to pick up our cross and try again.

You can overcome the desires of your flesh when you ask the Lord to strengthen you against them.
That battle can be overcome! God's word tells you that greater is the spirit of God that lives in you than the evil spirits in the air.

Our battle against our flesh is another thing altogether.

Don’t struggle with God. It is a losing battle. Do you know the story of Jacob and his struggle against the Lord?

You should look it up. Find out what happened to him at the end of the struggle.

Don’t ever doubt his love for you. His mercies are new every morning. Never forget that.

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