Wednesday, June 2, 2010

e-mail from brother

I am glad to hear that everything is going alright big man. I have to tell you that I am extremely proud of you. You have really grown up man. DOn't sweat the small stuff and don't be down on yourself. Everyone tends to do it from time to time (myself included) but honestly bro, there is no reason. You have soo much to be thankful for. You are alive and extremely healthy, you have a family that loves and supports you, you have food to eat and a roof over your head. Be thankful that you haven't got a girl pregnant man. I am thankful for that. Mom had me when she was 16, you know how hard that must have been supporting a kid at your age? You have soo much chuck. Be thankful man. THere are a million things that could be worse man. Focus on the positive. Forget about the negative. FOcus on the things only that you can control. You can control yourself and your actions and that is it man.Everything else is up to god and fate and chance. Don't let ignorant people get you down. You are gonna run into them throughout your entire life. You have soo much to offer and you are an amazing person. I know I am a better person because I know you and you inspire me to want more for myself with your accomplishments. You are gonna be someone great man. I know this. I have always known this. I am sorry I don't always show it man. It is one of those things that is easier said than done. BUt I love you and appreciate you. About a major. That is tough. YOu have to find what you really like to do. Think about what you can picture yourself doing for the rest of your life. It may mean making a little less money, but you cannot put a price on your happiness. Honestly, if you ask me, I think you would be amazing as a teacher. I think you could reach younger kids, and you have a knack for getting thier attention. I don't know though. You have a thing with computers though too. I think you could be a great programmer/designer.
The sky is the limit man. Don't sell yourself short and dream big man. The only person holding you back is YOU man. If you believe you can achieve. I believe in you. Mom and Dad believe in you. You need to believe in yourself and figure out what you want out of this life. No one can do it for you, you have to do it for yourself. You have the potential though man. Believe me, you have got it. Things have been cool with me man. I have been working a lot. I got this internship at this place called steel depot. We sell structural steel. Basically all the steel to make buildings, sheds, porches, patios, insulation. It is pretty cool. I am getting some valuable experience in the real world. I am learning how to give quotes on metal roofs and buildings. I have been working out a lot too. I am down to 194 and I had 9% body fat. You would be proud man. I am starting to look like you. Buff and the stuff. Well, write me back man. i am gonna stay talking your ears off. I love ya and miss ya.
p.s. send me those pics if you have a chance man. I really want to see em.
Whatever pics you can send do it a.s.a.p.

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