Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Barack Obama

I’m laughing my ass off at the change you retards get. He sure is starting off right with a $180 million dollar party. Bush’s innaugeration was $40 million and you liberal America hating asstards were up in arms over that sum.

Sure in the middle of a financial crisis and at war we need a $180 million dollar party to celebrate his skeem to get into office. You stupid fockers just will never get it. Go free tibet and save darfur with your banjos and harmonicas. Enjoy the next 4 years of anal sex with a sand paper condom, you voted for him.

Delete me if this offends you. I dont give a shit to be honest, this is the real deal here. I am just giving you the first doses of the hopium you guys asked for. I friggen hate hippies.

$180 million dollar party. You guys are a bunch of suckers.

G-d Bless George W. Bush. Thank you.

Much Love,

if Obama cannot salute the flag, do you think he will defend it?

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