Wednesday, June 2, 2010

response to possible iranian attack for english class

An emergency draft in the interests of protecting America interests from possible Iranian attacks is not necessary. The states have plenty of armed forces even though they are mostly in Iraq and Afghanistan. This could be a good opportunity to finish the job and move on to defending their interests against Iran.
Calling the emergency drat violates rights of Americans. They should not be forced to serve their country regardless of their loyalty to America. There are alternatives such as the National Guard, different recruiting methods and offering benefits to those who want to serve their country in case of an emergency.
There may be a shortage of troops in order to defend America and other American interests in the world. People are not willing to be forced to serve their country against their will. There have been some incidents in the early 1900’s where the drafts were being resisted and resulted in unfavorable results.
America has a long history since they declared their independence from England/Britain. There has been different situation as and outcomes when it comes to defending America and those with interests. The best way is to offer benefits to those who are willing to risk their life, job, and what not in order to defend America.
The 13th and 14th amendment states that citizens cannot be forced to go into “involuntary servitude” and be “deprived of life, liberty, and property.” This is their decision, not the government of America.
The emergency draft in regards to the threats from Iran is uncalled for. The government should look for different methods to recruit additional troops in the event of an emergency.

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