Monday, August 23, 2010

Don't press your luck by doing bench press all wrong

The bench press. Without a doubt, it is one of the most fundamental exercises in the gym.

It is the upper-body exercise that allows for the most weight lifted in a single movement, which ultimately creates unsurpassed upper-body strength.

However, along with its popularity, it has an underlying reputation for causing injury to many. Shoulder injuries can occur without proper form. The move is not complex, but it must be precise. Be careful and certain that hand and body positioning is correct.

Because it is such a common exercise in the gym, whether with dumbbells or a stacked bar, the importance of review is justified. I have witnessed improper bench presses too many times.

The following tips should help with a safe and effective bench press.

Use collars: I don't mean the ones around your neck. Collars are the springlike clamps that are placed on the ends of the weight plates on a barbell. Without them, the weights can slide off and cause injury. Use them. It only takes a second.

Exhale on exertion: As you push the weight away from your body, forcefully exert your breath through the mouth. This results in a more solid foundation within your torso.

Keep feet firmly on the ground: The moment your feet lift off the ground during the press, major power is lost. So while your savvy little neurons stay grounded, so should your feet. Not maintaining proper foot-to-floor connection will almost ensure an unsuccessful lift.

No chest bouncing

zone: Bouncing the bar off your chest during lifts is a no-no. A cracked sternum and broken rib are not desirable injuries. Typically, the bar should stop an inch or two away from you chest, or until your arms bend out to 90 degrees.

Buck stops here: Save the pelvic thrusts for future endeavors. I'm sure many of you have seen culprits repeatedly bucking his or her hips in the air while trying to complete the exercise. That kind of movement causes extreme arching of the lower back and major pressure in the neck. Please keep the glutes firmly on the bench.

Keep bar over chest: At no point should you be able to see directly under the bar when pressing weight toward the ceiling. It is a chest press because it builds strength and muscle there, so keep it there. Also, in case of bar slippage, wouldn't you rather it fall onto your chest than on your precious mug?

Wrap the thumbs: The thumbs should be wrapped around bar throughout the movement. This prevents the barbell from slipping and crushing your chest or neck. Trust me on this one, boys and girls. I have seen it happen. Not a pretty sight.

Running Tips

Cut risk on your outdoor run with help from Reed Ferber, Ph.D., who heads the University of Calgary’s running injury clinic, and Linsey Marr, Ph.d., who teachers environmental engineering at Virginia Tech.

1. AIR CONTROL – do not run between noon and 5 p.m., when air is most polluted (and can inflame your airways). Check current conditions at

2. CORNER TURN – no need to jog in place at a traffic light; your muscles does not cool that fast. Or just turn the corner and go.

3. SPLIT SLOPES – roads are angled, and running on them strains your pelvis. Balance it out: whichever direction you run, double back on the same side of street.

Clean your second-story windows on the cheap.

Sure, you could buy a squeegee on a stick. But DIY expert Spike Carlsen has a plan that is more fun!

1. Mix 2 cups water with ¼ cup vinegar and ½ teaspoon liquid detergent.

2. Pour it into a Super Soaker and shoot your windows from outside.

3. Reload with fresh water and rinse. It is best to do this on an overcast day so the solution will not dry and cause water spots before you can rinse.

Monday, July 12, 2010


In life you have to take some risks. If you don't, how will you ever know if you could have ever done all of the things you ever wanted or lived a life that made you truly happy.

Without risk there is only regret and with regret there is only sorrow. This also applies to your training.

- Don't be nervous or afraid to take risks.
- Don't worry about trying new things.
- Don't worry about getting caught.
- Don't worry about what others might think of you if you just train escapes for a long time while not trying to go for finishes.
- Don't think twice about executing a move, just do it.
- Don't worry about losing position.
- If you feel the risk may lead to a reward then go for it. Don't just sit back and second guess yourself.
- Don't roll different just because someone is higher rank then you or more experienced.

No one ever succeeds without failure. Chances are if you never took actual risks and you never failed then you never really tried. Without trying you'll always wonder.

The goal is to not have any "what if's", it's to take action now and know regardless of the outcome you won't have the regret of not knowing.

Here is the selection that I came across:

Author unknown

To laugh is to risk appearing the fool.
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental.
To reach out to others is to risk involvement.
To expose feelings is to risk exposing your true self.
To place your ideas, your dreams before a crowd is to risk theirloss.
To love is to risk not being loved in return.
To live is to risk dying.
To hope is to risk despair.
To try is to risk failure.

But risks must be taken,
because the greatest hazard in life is to do nothing.

The person who risks nothing,
does nothing, has nothing, and is nothing.

They may avoid suffering and sorrow,
but they cannot learn, feel, change, grow, love, and live.

Chained by their attitudes, they are a slave,
they forfeited their freedom.

Only the person who risks can be free

-- As mentioned above the words don't apply strictly to grappling, but to life in general. This is even more important because while all of us enjoy the sport of grappling, that's just the small picture in life. You should apply this concept to everything you do.

Enjoy every moment that is given to you. Enjoy all of the good people around you, and definitely enjoy the opportunities you have in the grappling sport you train because you share something with many people around the world that a lot of others don't.

- You have the ability to be creative.
- You have the ability to be friends with those you would have never thought before.
- You have the ability to stay in shape.
- You have the ability to increase your confidence.
- You have the ability to use grappling in a way to build goals and extend those goals outside of the gym.

Always do your best to "Make Things Happen", and not "watch things happen".

Thursday, June 3, 2010


The Importance of Clean Eating
Researchers at Washington University (St. Louis, MO) have found bacteria in the intestines play a key role in weight gain. Many factors affect those who tend to gain weight, including genetics, lack of exercise and bad food choices. A study now shows a high-fat, high-sugar diet changes the composition of bacteria in the intestines and makes excess weight easier to gain and harder to lose. The findings show the change can happen in as few as 24 hours, so do not go all out with those cheat meals. This is all the more reason to eat clean regularly to stop accumulation of those unwanted pounds of fat. If you have not already, check out Eat-Clean Diet for Men, a great book full of health and nutrition information with easy recipes for great-tasting – and non-fattening – meals that can help with muscle gains. Visit for more information. Source: Science Translational Medicine

Keep Your Heart Happy with Cinnamon?
Researchers have discovered cinnamon has potent antioxidant properties. Help protect yourself against heart disease by indulging in a cup of hot chocolate, latte or mulled cider with ground cinnamon sprinkled on top. For the nutritionally challenged, antioxidants provide powerful protection against disease and aging. They counteract free radicals that damage cells and DNA. Eat a varied diet with many different kinds of colorful fruits, vegetables, spices and nuts to ensure you get enough. If fresh produce is not always an option, frozen, dried and canned foods can provide antioxidant nutrition as well. Source: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

The percentage of your daily vitamin C (and 100% of your RDA for manganese) that comes from one cup of pineapple.

Keep Working for Better Health
According to a nationwide study, people who transition from full-time work to part-time, semiretired hours have better health (physically and mentally) than people who retire and stop working altogether. Researchers call this “bridge employment” during the transition between working and retiring. Those in “post-retirement jobs” experienced fewer major diseases and less functional limitation than people fully retired. The difference was significantly greater with people who continued to work in their related field of expertise.

Optimal Recovery for Wrestlers

Optimal Recovery for Wrestlers


Janet Walberg-Rankin, Ph.D., FACSM
Optimal Recovery for Wrestlers
By Janet Walberg-Rankin, Ph.D., FACSM
Professor of Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise, Virginia Polytechnic University
Craig Horswill, Ph.D., FACSM
Principal Scientist, Gatorade Sports Science Institute

Quick weight loss using dehydration and food restriction in the week before a match is the tradition in wrestling to “make weight.” Whether by a drastic reduction in calorie (energy) intake or by dehydration, losing weight rapidly can have negative outcomes that hurt performance by:

Disturbing mood and impairing ability to think and focus mentally.

Reducing blood sugar and disrupting certain hormones—these changes reduce energy and may lead to overtraining.

Decreasing blood volume and raising body temperature, both of which promote fatigue.

Decreasing endurance, particularly in practice and late in competitive matches.

In extreme circumstances, causing kidney failure and even death.
Weight Loss Goals

Most weight classification systems in state high-school associations are now designed to promote safe, slow rates of weight loss during the season. The systems also allow wrestlers to start competition at higher weight classes as they slowly work down to their minimal weights. Wrestlers are encouraged to track the weight lost as fat every week by weighing in at the beginning of the week in a well-hydrated state.

Loss of mostly fat weight (not water weight) in the weeks before a match should be no more than about 2 lbs or 1 kg per week. This can best be achieved by consuming a diet containing about 500–1000 kcal less energy per day than typical for the individual wrestler. There should be plenty of fiber in the diet until the last few days before a match. In addition to gradually reducing calories in the diet, extra aerobic exercise will help lower fat weight. This slow rate of weight reduction is ideal for minimizing the loss of muscle protein and maintaining hydration and energy for tough practices.

Some wrestlers may choose to undergo modest dehydration to assure making the desired weight class for competition. Those athletes should limit any weight loss by dehydration to not more than 2% of body weight. (This is 2% of body weight at the beginning of the week of training and should only be tolerated for a short period, e.g., overnight before a match.) Most of this weight could conceivably be regained by drinking fluids between weigh-in and competition. However, it is a challenge for wrestlers who lose weight quickly to have rapid and complete recovery after weigh-in to re-establish normal standards of body functions, metabolism, and performance. Any attempt to lose 2% of body weight or more day after day for a total of 6 to 10% dehydration in the week before a match will dramatically increase the risk for heat illness and the other negative outcomes listed above.

Recovery Diet

The goals for the recovery period after weigh-in are to restore blood glucose and muscle carbohydrate levels and to replenish body water as much as possible. These goals can best be achieved nutritionally by focusing on:

Fluid consumption—to restore blood volume

Beverage volume—The goal is to consume 150% of the weight lost by dehydration. When there is only a short period of time for drinking (e.g., only a few hours), it is essential that the beverage contains sodium and other electrolytes to help the body rehydrate quickly.

Schedule—Wrestlers should begin by consuming the maximum volume of fluid they can tolerate and then drinking additional amounts every 15 minutes.

Flavor—Flavored drinks can increase the desire to continue drinking.

Temperature—Cool drinks taste better and encourage drinking, but if a wrestler experiences chills, beverages should be maintained at room temperature.
Electrolyte intake—to maintain thirst and restore blood volume

Water alone is inadequate for complete rehydration. Consumption of plain water will reduce thirst and cause more fluid to be lost as urine.

Use carbohydrate-electrolyte sports drinks, especially those with extra sodium, and add salty foods to the diet: Although high-sodium beverages can be unpalatable, some new sports drinks have been developed that overcome this problem. Salty foods that are quickly digested should be consumed during the recovery period.
Carbohydrates—to provide energy for muscle and brain function

Emphasize easily-digested carbohydrate-rich foods such as pretzels and sports bars and, especially, carbohydrate-rich liquids that empty rapidly from the stomach to provide the energy need for training and competition.

For the snacks eaten immediately following the weigh-in and during tournament competition, minimize fullness by avoiding high-fiber or high-fat foods that are emptied slowly from the stomach, and do not drink carbonated beverages that contribute to bloating.
Stop food and fluid consumption about 30 min before the match so the stomach has a chance to empty.


A wrestler loses 1 kg (2.2 lbs) by dehydrating the day before a match. Following weigh-in, the wrestler should consume:

1.5 L (~51 oz) of high-electrolyte beverage (e.g., Gatorade Endurance Hydration Formula or traditional sports drink with added ½ tsp salt): Drink 30 oz (900 ml) to start and 7 oz (210 ml) every 15 minutes through the first hour.

One of the following (or equivalent):
1 or 2 sports bars or fig bars

3 oz (90 g) pretzels

1 slice of bread with thin peanut butter or slice of cheese

8 oz (240 ml) chocolate milk or yogurt

1 can liquid meal replacement (e.g., Gatorade Nutrition Shake)

Safe, Effective Stretching

The Importance of Stretching
Muscle and tendon strains and tears are common injuries to athletes and other active people. A tight muscle allows for less movement of the joint that it crosses and is, therefore, more likely to tear. These injuries are preventable, to some extent, if the muscles are kept at their optimal length.
Consciously lengthening muscles can reduce the stress on muscles and tendons during activity.
Proper stretching can lead to:
• Increased muscle length
• Increased joint flexibility
• Reduced chance of injury
• Reduced after-exercise soreness
• Improved performance
Proper Stretching Technique
Warming up immediately before stretching makes muscles more pliable and easier to stretch.
Warming up can be achieved by doing submaximal exercise such as walking, easy biking or gentle calisthenics until you feel warm—usually for about five to ten minutes. Athletes often perform their sport at an easy pace as a warmup.
The preferred technique for improving muscle flexibility is called static stretching. This means stretching a muscle or group of muscles until a mild, pain-free pulling sensation is felt, and then holding that position.
Move into the stretch position slowly and gently. Stretching should produce a pleasant feeling of mild tension. Being relaxed will make stretching more effective.
“No pain, no gain” does NOT apply.
To be most effective, the stretch should be held for one minute. You may notice that while holding a stretch, the mild tension has subsided. This means that the stretch is working, your muscles are lengthening and you are able to stretch a little more. Gently stretch a bit further until you feel the mild tension again and hold.
Do not bounce or strain. Static stretching, when done correctly, involves less risk of injury than ballistic—i.e., bouncing—stretching. Move out of the stretch position slowly.
Concentrate while stretching. Think about the muscles you are stretching. A technique you can use to promote relaxation and concentration is to breathe deeply through your nose while concentrating on the muscles being stretched. When you reach the point of mild tension, exhale.
To maximize the lasting effects of stretching, two to five repetitions of each stretch should be done.
A daily stretching program is recommended.

R.I.C.E. — Immediate Care of Sports Injuries

R.I.C.E. — Immediate Care of Sports Injuries
Caring immediately for an injury can significantly reduce healing time and speed your return to sports and the activities of daily living.
The principles of R.I.C.E. should be used immediately after an injury occurs and continued for the next two to three days, depending on the severity of the injury. If the injury appears serious or does not improve after three days, seek medical advice.
R.I.C.E. stands for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. Following the R.I.C.E. principles will reduce swelling, an important way to speed up the healing process.
Stop using the injured area. Crutches, braces and slings may be helpful.
Apply cold to the injured area. The objective is to cool the injured area to reduce swelling and inflammation. Crushed ice in a plastic bag is most effective but you can also use a refreezable cold pack. Crushed ice in a bag can be placed directly on the skin, but you may want to place a lightly moistened towel between the bag and the skin. Some refreezable cold packs can burn and should not be placed directly on the skin. Cold should be applied for at least fifteen minutes and no longer than twenty minutes. Cold should be used for the first 24 to 72 hours after the injury occurs. Allow an hour between cold applications. When using cold, periodically check the color of the skin. It should be red or pink. Remove the cold if the skin is blue and do not reapply until normal skin color returns.
Wrapping the injured area with a bandage, such as an Ace bandage, will help reduce swelling.
When applying the bandage, start six inches below and finish six inches above the injured area.
Comfortably firm pressure should be applied, with a little more pressure below the injury than above it. If sensation is lost, remove the wrapping until sensation returns to normal. The bandage should be worn during the day and removed when sleeping.
Keep the injured area in a position above or level with the heart whenever possible. If sensation is lost, stop until sensation returns to normal.
An absence of injury pain does not necessarily mean returning to full activity is appropriate.
Rehabilitation, including strengthening, flexibility and sport-specific exercises, may be needed to reduce the chance of reinjury and to regain conditioning and skills.
Remember, any injury that does not improve in about three days or appears serious should be seen by a physician.

Maximizing Performance

Maximizing Performance
Care and Prevention of Over-Use Injuries
By Alan Peppard, MS, PT, ATC
Maximizing performance for running, swimming, and biking requires the athlete to improve conditioning by overloading--slightly surpassing present functioning levels--both the cardiovascular (hearts and lungs) and the musculoskeletal systems (bones, muscles, ligaments and tendons). However, excessive overload exceeds the body's ability to adapt to the increased stress and overuse injury will occur. Therefore, you must be very cautious in selecting an appropriate overload, one which will provide optimal conditioning without producing injury.
Cardiovascular vs Musculoskeletal Conditioning
Perceived exertion (how hard the exercise session feels) is determined by the status of the cardiovascular system or how fit you are. Since the cardiovascular system improves at a faster rate than the musculoskeletal system, reliance on perceived exertion to determine your workouts can cause you to overstress the bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, and muscles. Limit your increases in both intensity and duration of your conditioning program to no more than ten percent per week. This gives the body time to adapt to the stress provided by exercise.
Hard Day, Easy Day
Maximum gains in conditioning are obtained when appropriate rest is provided along with exercise, which enables the tissues to adapt and increase in functioning. Inadequate rest increases the probability of sustaining an injury. An intense workout should be followed by a light workout the next day. During the race season, a race should be considered a hard day. Depending on the intensity and duration of the race, additional easy days may be required. Always remember that your body makes gains in strength and endurance during recovery. If you don't provide time for recovery, the body can break down.
Recognize the Symptoms of Overuse Injuries
Overuse injuries can be prevented if you are familiar with the progression of injury, and you modify your workout prior to the onset of injury. Overuse injuries usually progress through stages, which include:
Benevolent pain is good pain that is a normal result of overload within a conditioning program. This type of pain is present after activity, but is absent by the time of the next day's practice or is relieved by warm-up.
Semi-harmful pain indicates that you are starting to get in trouble. Semi-harmful pain is pain that is partially relieved by warm-up. It is present during activity but performance is not noticeably reduced. When semi-harmful pain is recognized, your conditioning program should be cut back and the treatment regimen described below should be followed. If the pain lasts more than one week, or is severe, get medical attention.
Harmful pain indicates that you are in trouble. With this type of pain, performance is noticeably reduced and is not relieved by rest. A period of rest and medical attention will likely be required before continuing a conditioning program.
Overuse injuries are generally treated by RICE+AR.
Rest -Determine a level of exercise, which produces only benevolent pain, and provides relative rest. This may require complete rest from the exercise program for a few days or possibly cross training with a different sport.
Ice-Apply an ice pack several times a day for about 15 minutes at a time. This is especially important during the first 24 to 48 hours after injury.
Compression-Apply an elastic wrap with comfortably firm pressure during and after ice application. Remove the wrap during sleep.
Elevation -Elevate the injured area above the level of the heart whenever possible.
Anti-inflammatory medication such as aspirin or ibuprofen can be used to assist in the reduction of the inflammation.
Re-condition with stretching and a gradual progression to strength training and gradual return to running. If improvement is not felt in three to five days, seek medical attention to get going with a specific treatment program so that you can return to running injury-free.

Never Forget – The Edge with Coach Reese

Never Forget –The Edge with Coach Reese
In my first year as a head coach at the high school level, I did not inherit a very experienced or talented team. Most of the athletes I started in the varsity lineup that season were freshmen who were wrestling for the first time in their lives. Needless to say, it was a long and tough season.
In late January we had to go up against our most-hated conference and county rival – Springstead High school. Springstead was tough and talented every season. They dominated the conference, the district, the region, and placed very high in the state tournament every season.
Our school had never beaten Springstead and had never won a conference title. I was new to rivalry, its intensity, and its fierce competition. In fact, when I walked into Springstead’s gym for the first time, I was clueless to the “war-like” atmosphere that was going to greet me.
That night was no doubt the longest in my life. We got hammered by a senior dominated team. The crowd was hostile. We could not win a match. Minute by minute things got worse. When my 189 pound wrestler got hurt, his mother came to his aid on the mat. I was told by the mat official to remove her from the gym floor. I informed him, “This is the kid’s mom! I am not going to tell her to get off the mat – you do it!”
Immediately I was hit with an “unsportsman-like” penalty that cost us a team point. Losing a team point did not bother me in the least, but I was quite disturbed when the Mother of our wrestler was escorted out of the gym by the County Sheriff! The crowd went crazy. We all sat stunned on our bench. After losing the heavyweight bout we ended up getting beat by the final score of 73 to -1.
I was sure that this was some sort of national high school record. The next day it was all over the Tampa Tribune and the St. Pete Times newspapers.
As a competitor it hurts to lose, but when you lose that way, and then they smear you and your team all over the newspaper, it leaves a festering wound. I was determined that one day we would turn the table on them.
Two years later our team grew up. Those freshmen were now battle tested juniors. They were wise athletes who were committed to being the best. We went into the week of the Springstead match 12-1.
I knew we were ready and prepared technically for Springstead, but I wanted to fan the flames mentally – and raise the level of our intensity. I went back and found the Tampa Tribune article that had the huge by-line that read, “Springstead Wins 73 to -1”. I printed over 100 copies of that article and posted them in the wrestling room, my classroom, and in all the hallways of the school. Many of my peers at the high school thought I was crazy to bring up the memory of such a defeat, but for me it was a “Remember the Alamo” moment.
The boys did not disappoint me that night. We wrestled tough and won soundly by nine points. We captured our first win over Springstead and won our first conference title in school history. There was no doubt that we wrestled with passion and emotion that night for a reason – because of a memory.
There is a tendency to forget moments of the past. In fact, when Joshua was leading Israel into the Promised Land, the entire nation saw God answer their prayers and give them many victories. But things quickly changed.
“After that whole generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation grew up, who knew neither the Lord nor what He had done for Israel,” (Judges 2:10 NIV).
In a single generation, the people forgot! In a single generation, the people lost their respect for God, they lost their desire to worship, and they lost their belief that the Lord was one true God!
It is our job to keep the fires burning. We must diligently share our faith with others. We must boldly tell friends, family, and our team and teammates what God has done for us. We need to encourage others in their faith (Hebrews 10:24). We never should be silent about what God had done for us – and continues to do.
As we walk with Christ we must continually share the love of an awesome God – let’s be a bright light and a remembrance to all those we interact with – so they may never forget.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Naps: Not Just for Muscle Recovery.
Getting enough sleep is a priority for pro bodybuilders and it should be high on the list for everyone else as well. Even if you cannot find time for naps during the week, you8 should try to fit them in on weekends. Research published in the Harvard Health Letter shows daytime naps might benefit your health without interfering with sleep at night. Adding sleep during the daytime makes up for the normal, age-related decline in the quality of nighttime sleep, improves learning, memory and creative thinking, making you more productive. The ideal length for a daytime nap is 20-30 minutes. Schedule a regular naptime for yourself, as your mother did for you when you were young.

Shut off the TUBE
Researchers have found young adults who watch two hours or more of TV daily have poor muscular fitness, even if their overall physical activity level is high. The study was conducted on 870 men and women around 19 years. Their level of fitness was measured in a variety of ways and those who watched the most TV (two-plus hours daily, or 15 hours per week) did significantly worse in the tests. Americans’ television watching average 142 hours a month, or four-plus hours daily, suggesting adults in America have an even lower fitness level than the study participants. Limit your TV shows and keep moving instead of flipping channels. Source: American College of Sports Medicine.

The percentage of increased fat burning during a workout after a breakfast of whole grains and fresh fruit compared to a breakfast of refined carbs, according to research from the University of Nottingham (U.K.).

Don’t cut calories when sick.
The old saying was “feed a cold, starve a fever,” but we have since learned the importance of feeding your body during any sickness in order to keep up the strength to fight the germs. Research from Michigan State University (East Lansing) shows cutting calories makes flu-fighting more difficult. Flu season is no time for dieting. Continuing with a normal caloric intake when fighting off viruses leads to faster recovery and less severe effects than if you eat less than normal. Fuel your body to prepare cells for fighting off infection. Source: Journal of Nutrition.


who invented that brush next to the toilet? that thing hurts!

Barack Obama

I’m laughing my ass off at the change you retards get. He sure is starting off right with a $180 million dollar party. Bush’s innaugeration was $40 million and you liberal America hating asstards were up in arms over that sum.

Sure in the middle of a financial crisis and at war we need a $180 million dollar party to celebrate his skeem to get into office. You stupid fockers just will never get it. Go free tibet and save darfur with your banjos and harmonicas. Enjoy the next 4 years of anal sex with a sand paper condom, you voted for him.

Delete me if this offends you. I dont give a shit to be honest, this is the real deal here. I am just giving you the first doses of the hopium you guys asked for. I friggen hate hippies.

$180 million dollar party. You guys are a bunch of suckers.

G-d Bless George W. Bush. Thank you.

Much Love,

if Obama cannot salute the flag, do you think he will defend it?

i'd rather...

be watching movies!!!

25 movies, and I love 'em! now guess what movies they are!
no googling, dammit!

1. Greed is for amateurs. Disorder, chaos, anarchy: now that's fun!

2. And... here… we... go!
The Dark Knight Sarah

3. Naked blonde walks into a bar with a poodle under one arm, and a two-foot salami under the other. The bartender says, I guess you won't be needing a drink. Naked lady says........ Oh, SHIT!

4. You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world.

5. Go back to England and tell them there that Scotland's daughters and her sons are yours no more. Tell them Scotland is free.

6. Have you ever heard of Harry Houdini? Well he wasn't like today's magicians who are only interested in television ratings. He was an artist. He could make an elephant disappear in the middle of a theater filled with people, and do you know how he did that? Misdirection.

7. Two days ago, I saw a vehicle that would haul that tanker. You want to get out of here? You talk to me.

8. Show them no mercy... for you shall receive none!
LOTR Sarah

9. Does everything have to be a joke with you, this is not a masquarde! This is real life! There are steps to becoming a Queen.

10. How many times have I had you in my house? If you're a rat, then I'm the biggest mutt in the history of the Mafia.

11. Send this pestilent, traitorous, cow-hearted, yeasty codpiece to the brig.

12. Why are you giving me this hypocritical lecture? When you're the one who walks around saying screw the world because that's easier than having to feel something!

13. Wow, I know that tone. It's just weird hearing it come from someone... with hair.

14. I feel like you're eyeballin' me, dawg! I don't like punk bitches eyeballin' me! You got beef? You got beef? You want some of this?

15. You'll play basketball my way. My way is hard.

16. Err, bad breath, colorful language, feather duster... what do you think they're gonna be armed with? Guns, you tit!

17. Nice working with you, ace. Okay, bye-bye.

18. We're so hung up on this notion that we have some obligation to help the struggling black man, you know. Cut him some slack until he can overcome these historical injustices. It's crap. I mean, Christ, Lincoln freed the slaves, like, what? 130 years ago. How long does it take to get your act together?

19. I knew you couldn't resist my shit! I got the shakes that'll make you quake. I got the fries that'll cross your eyes. I got that burgers that'll... I just got burgers.

20. The point is, how do you know the fairy isn't a crazy glue sniffer? "Building model airplanes" says the little fairy; well, we're not buying it. He sneaks into your house once, that's all it takes. The next thing you know, there's money missing off the dresser, and your daughter's knocked up. I seen it a hundred times.

21. Brilliant. So now we got a huge guy theory, and a serial crusher theory. Top notch. What's your name?

22. The kid gets it all. Just plant us in the damn garden, next to the stupid lion.

23. All right. Well, I know what I gotta do. We're in a 200-foot aluminum tube and we're 30,000 feet in the air. And any one of those slimy little pieces of shit can trip a circuit or a relay or a hydraulic and this bird goes down faster than a Thai hooker. So my job is to keep LAX informed on how totally screwed we are, and then find some way to keep this mother in the sky another two hours. Figure that out.

24. Bingo! Yahtzee! Is that your final answer? Our survey says... God! Bing bing bing bing bing! Well, it was nice to meet you, God. Thank you for the Grand Canyon, and good luck with the Apocalypse. Oh, and by the way, you SUCK!

25. Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici.

25 things, oh noes

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)

1. I have ADHD. I cannot sit still in one place, I need to do something or I will go crazy.

2. I want to wrestle at the Olympics. One day… one day…

3. I want to fight professionally, I don't watch UFC or any sport of that kind, I'd rather be doing the action than watching it. Remember ADHD...

4. I've been regarded as a snob. I'm not. I'm humble; I mind my own business and am a very private person.

5. I love Jesus. He is my savior, the only person who can forgive me of my past.

6. I am going to die at the age of 27, I know it.

7. I am a gym freak, I cannot miss a day during the week or I will go crazy.

8. I hate the cold, I'd rather be warm/hot I wish I lived in the tropics.

9. I have a fear of snakes. DON’T EVEN TRY…

10. I'm obsessed with the color green.

11. I wish I was Ben Roethlisberger. He has it all.

12. I want to complete a triathlon before I die.

13. I wish I was hearing so I could join the army.

14. I can wiggle my ears.

15. I hate drama.

16. I love pain. Every time somebody hits me hard I laugh like a maniac.

17. I'm obsessed with face paint (eric draven from the crow, sting and joker)

18. I love spicy food. No matter how spicy, I cannot get enough. Especially when I put tons of green/red chile.

19. I love putting parmesan cheese and tobasco on my popcorn

20. I'm a movie freak, I probably rent about 50 movies a month maybe more. I wish I didn't go to school or work. I'd rather stay home and watch movies everyday for the rest of my life.

21. I'm a Texan first, american last.

22. I love doing pranks on my friends. Extreme ones.

23. I want to get an old Mustang, fix it up and do it Steelers style. I also want a VW van. It’s the shit.

24. I've been drug free since Jan 1, 2008. Woo!

25. I hate stupid people at the gym who do nothing but talk and or text. Geez lift or leave!

Trust in the Lord

"Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed." (Psalm 37:3)

Sprinkled throughout this psalm are various pictures that provide the assurance of God’s victory--not only in His eternal plan, but also in and through the lives of His precious saints.

Trust is the most basic of the characteristics of our relationship with the Lord and sets the foundation for all the rest. The Hebrew word carries the meaning of confidence, or boldness, and is often used in such a way that it would imply that we are to "gain support" and "lean on" the One in whom we trust. The expanded definition of trust is contained in Proverbs: "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD and depart from evil. It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones" (Proverbs 3:5-8).

But merely having great confidence in the God of creation is not enough. We must do good. The entire New Testament book of James is devoted to this theme: "faith without works is dead" (James 2:20). "And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?" (Luke 6:46). "O that there were such an heart in them," God told Moses, "that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with them, and with their children for ever!" (Deuteronomy 5:29).

If we would enjoy the blessings of God, we must embrace the plan of God. If we are to expect the promise that we will "dwell" and "be fed," then we must submit to the instructions of our Lord, who told us to "seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you" (Matthew 6:33).

live a holy life

You should be a light for other people. Live so that they will see the good things you do and will praise your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16

You want to make a difference in your world? Live a holy life:

Be faithful to your spouse.
Be the one at the office who refuses to cheat.
Be the neighbor who acts neighborly.
Be the employee who does the work and does not complain.
Pay your bills.
Do your part and enjoy life.
Do not speak one message and live another.

People are watching the way we act more than they are listening to what we say.

weight loss tips for those who asked

Its really simple, 2 small meals and 2 snacks, plus a protein drink. This is for losing weight only, not gaining muscle, etc. When you accomplish your goal, you can go back to your regular routine but continue to exercise everyday that you have set for yourself so you can keep the pounds off.

In the mornings, have a small breakfast, cereal or two eggs, keep it simple, the portion should not be a lot.

About an hour or two later, have a small snack, it can be an apple, banana, granola bar.

For lunch, I suggest salad, sandwich, etc, something small with a lot of greens and fiber.

About an hour or two later, have a small snack, it can be an apple, banana, granola bar.

You can mix it up, it doesn’t have to be the same thing everyday, there is plenty of food out there to eat

For dinner, have a protein shake. No eating after five at all, that is how you gain weight over night because your digestive system rests when you rest at night.

What to AVOID, sugary drinks (cola cola, fruit punch, etc) junk food (it is okay to reward yourself once in a while, but no PIGGING OUT)

What to do ALL day, drink water, if you do not like water, try green tea, that is what I drink everyday, make your own green tea, if you don’t like the bland taste, get artificial sweeteners, they do the job than actual sugar which makes it taste weird. Green tea has plenty of antioxidants that help you flush things out of your system.

Chew gum all day that way you will not feel hungry and helps you increase your metabolism at the same time. If you feel like wanting a bite, drink a glass of water, the hunger will go away.

A lot of cardio, I recommend a hour a day, three to five times a week, it doesn’t have to be hard, you can go for a brisk walk, about thirty minute to a hour, I recommend walking after breakfast and lunch for ten to fifteen minutes. If you want to make it intense, mix it up, stadium runs, sprints, if you go to a gym, find an aerobics class, if you have a swimming pool, go swim for ten to fifteen minutes a day, if you have a dog, take it out for a walk or a jog. If you take the elevator everyday at school, work, start taking the stairs! If you live near work/school, invest in a bike, its a investment in your health. If you live near a nature trail, go hiking! There are plenty to do out there. Most importantly get yourself out of the house/apartment/dorm/whatever, you are not going to lose weight by sitting there, the more you are out, the less fat you get. Be PRODUCTIVE! Also, do not weight yourself everyday, it is a long term, if you weight everyday and not satisfied, it will cause you to go off your plan. Weight once a month, it is more ideal that way. Find friends/family that you can workout, run, bike, walk with etc. It is better when you have a someone help you push yourself.

Discipline yourself to eating right, enough sleep and exercise as well. That is the key to losing weight and maintaining it as well. You got your future to think about, being healthy.

Shoo Satan

Shoo Satan
By Faith Brown

I absolutely hate flies. One time, there were so many flies in my house that they woke me up. I laid in bed staring at them buzzing around my room practically mocking me. It got so bad that I got up and followed every single one in my house and swatted them.

Once, I was on a break at my job and decided to sit outside in the lovely sun and that’s when the little monster came. I started eating my food and kept shooing away the fly. I was amazed at the perseverance of this fly. Whenever I would shoo it away, it would simply sit back on the table and try to sneak up on my grilled cheese and French fries. I even saw it bounce closer and closer to my food and hide behind my brown bag, waiting for me to turn my head I suppose so it could snatch its’ prize. At one point, I thought I had finally won the battle and was free of this ferocious fly, but it surprised me and came back a couple minutes later. Finally, I finished my food and the fly left.

During the entire ordeal I began thinking of how this fly was a bit like the devil. The Devil is annoying, a pest, and can bring things that can ruin our moods. Like the fly, the devil doesn’t stop trying to snatch his prize. He wants our lives and he will try everything he can to get it! During the time the fly was bothering me I would think, “Why do you want my food so much? There is food all over this restaurant!” That’s just the thing! Likewise, the Devil wants our lives, or our food in a metaphorical sense, because we’re the ones that he knows won’t just give into him. He wants the Christians who are constantly shooing him away because they know that they have the authority to do so. I could have given into this fly and let him have my food because I was tired of shooing it away, but I didn’t! I stuck it out and he fled for good. We as Christians should also continue shooing away the devil because in the end, we have the victory! So, don’t give into the fly that is the Devil. Take the word of God and smash him.

“I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.” –Luke 10:19

James 4:7, "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." (KJV)


Shoo Satan

Shoo Satan
By Faith Brown

I absolutely hate flies. One time, there were so many flies in my house that they woke me up. I laid in bed staring at them buzzing around my room practically mocking me. It got so bad that I got up and followed every single one in my house and swatted them.

Once, I was on a break at my job and decided to sit outside in the lovely sun and that’s when the little monster came. I started eating my food and kept shooing away the fly. I was amazed at the perseverance of this fly. Whenever I would shoo it away, it would simply sit back on the table and try to sneak up on my grilled cheese and French fries. I even saw it bounce closer and closer to my food and hide behind my brown bag, waiting for me to turn my head I suppose so it could snatch its’ prize. At one point, I thought I had finally won the battle and was free of this ferocious fly, but it surprised me and came back a couple minutes later. Finally, I finished my food and the fly left.

During the entire ordeal I began thinking of how this fly was a bit like the devil. The Devil is annoying, a pest, and can bring things that can ruin our moods. Like the fly, the devil doesn’t stop trying to snatch his prize. He wants our lives and he will try everything he can to get it! During the time the fly was bothering me I would think, “Why do you want my food so much? There is food all over this restaurant!” That’s just the thing! Likewise, the Devil wants our lives, or our food in a metaphorical sense, because we’re the ones that he knows won’t just give into him. He wants the Christians who are constantly shooing him away because they know that they have the authority to do so. I could have given into this fly and let him have my food because I was tired of shooing it away, but I didn’t! I stuck it out and he fled for good. We as Christians should also continue shooing away the devil because in the end, we have the victory! So, don’t give into the fly that is the Devil. Take the word of God and smash him.

“I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.” –Luke 10:19

James 4:7, "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." (KJV)


Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein arrives at a party and introduces himself to the first person he sees and asks, "What is your IQ?"
The man answers, "241."
"That is wonderful!" says Albert. "We will talk about the Grand Unification Theory and the mysteries of the universe. We will have much to discuss!"
Next, Albert introduces himself to a woman and asks, "What is your IQ?"
The lady answers, "144."
"That is great!", says Albert, "We can discuss politics and current affairs. We will have much to discuss!".
Albert then goes to another person and asks, "What is your IQ?"
The person answers, "51."
Albert ponders this for a moment, and then smiles and says,"GO COWBOYS"!!

Starting Over

Today's a new day. Just make an effort to do what you desire--to eat a healthy, rational, normal amount of food and to be active.

Here are some ideas:
• Eat half of what you'd normally eat.
• At restaurants, immediately ask for half your meal to be packed to take home.
• Switch foods: club soda or seltzer instead of sodas, no-fat milk or cheese instead of whole, baked chips instead of fried.
• Have extra helpings of vegetables and fruit, instead of heavy, high calorie/high fat food.
• Go for a 10 minute walk, at least. Or try a 20 minute stretching party.

These ideas are just a start. A good start: slowly and safely!

Each day is different, and you are a new you everyday. Here’s another blessed chance to re-create yourself anew, today.


Know When to Stop
When you’re eating, only eat one helping, or serving--one plateful. No matter how good it is, tell yourself from the start, you're not going back for more. You may not have the will or strength to do this--so start by asking God for help before you begin eating.

It may help you to slow the eating process down. Eat very slowly, chewing each and every bite. Really savor and enjoy the food you have. Be totally conscious of this sacred act of receiving the blessing of food and sustenance.

Think about how you’re feeling while you eat, not just about filling your stomach. Are you at peace, or is there some worry or stress eating at you? Take a slow deep breath between bites, feel some gratitude, and make this a peaceful, nurturing time.

Most importantly, while you’re eating when you feel the slightest full feeling--stop, say a prayer, ask for the power to stop--then get up from the table, go somewhere else, do something different.

If you finish a meal and still feel hungry, wait 20 minutes. It takes that long for your stomach to tell your brain that you’re full. While you’re waiting, have a big glass of water.

I promise you--you’ll feel full on much less food than you were eating before.


No single approach to weight loss works for everyone. We urge you to consult with your physician before making any significant changes in your eating habits or physical activities to ensure that what you propose for yourself is nutritionally sound, safe, and healthy.

Copyright by Norris J. Chumley, all rights reserved.

How To Boost Your Metabolism Using Interval Training by Arnel Ricafranca

How To Boost Your Metabolism Using Interval Training by Arnel Ricafranca

I have observed hundreds of people in the gym that strictly perform 30-60 minutes of cardio, 3 5x per week, for at least a year resulting in the same old physique. If this sounds like your type of program, you will find out why you did not achieve the results that you are looking for.

I know many fitness trainers that put their client on 6-7 hours of cardio training per week for several months. When the clients are frustrated with the lack of results, the only thing that the trainers do is encourage their clients to just stick with the program or to do more hours.

So what is the solution? Is it to do more cardio? Of course not! Doing extra cardio will not help you. You will be surprised to know that 6-7 hours will NOT help increase your metabolism. In fact, it can actually slow down your metabolism.

Confused? There are a lot of misconceptions about aerobic training. Most people believe that aerobic training is the magic solution to weight loss. There is a dark side to aerobic training that most people are not aware of. It is NOT the solution to weight loss. Forget about the long, slow, boring cardio workout. It is not going to get you the six pack abs that you are looking for.

I will try to explain to you why people believe that steady state aerobic (i.e. jogging for 30-60 minutes) is the solution to fat loss.

Let? go back to a real life example. If you compare the best marathoners (people who can run for several hours) and the best sprinters (under one minute), who do you think is leaner? If you said the sprinter, you are absolutely right.

The first time that you attempt aerobic training, you might be able to last for only 5 minutes. As you get better and better, you increase your minutes. 5 minutes eventually turns into 10 minutes. 10 minutes eventually turns to 20 minutes. Eventually you can do 60 minutes, 5-6 times per week. Will you get the lean sculpted body that you want? Will you lose weight? Well? Just keep reading.

As you get better and better, your heart and lungs get stronger and stronger allowing you to do longer distances. HOWEVER, as you do more and more aerobic training, as you get stronger, your body becomes better at utilizing your body fat (meaning you are burning less body fat). What it means is that if it takes you 30 minutes to burn 300 calories, as you get stronger, it will take 45 minutes to burn the same amount of calories. Is there fun adding more minutes to your cardio just to burn the same amount of calories that you use to burn?

Eventually, as you do more and more aerobic to burn the extra calories, your body will start tapping into your muscles for energy. Eventually, your body can literally break down your muscle tissue to meet the energy demand. Your muscle tissue can be converted to glucose (blood sugar) to supply your aerobic training. What does that mean? You are making a smaller, less efficient fat burning machine; therefore, a weaker metabolism.

Remember, steady aerobic training does NOT build muscle, but doing too much can actually make you lose muscle.

If steady state aerobic training does not work, what is the solution then?

The answer??

Interval Training (Anaerobic training)

Interval training is far more superior to boosting your metabolism than it is to do steady state aerobic training. Steady state aerobic does not increase your metabolism at all. It is true that you are burning calories while you are actually performing the aerobics. However, once you are done with your session, your metabolism returns to normal.

However, interval training (consisting of moderate to high intensity cardio) will burn more calories per minute, and will elevate your metabolism for hours and hours. The right amount of resistance training combined with an intense interval training session can keep your metabolism up for at least 24 hours and in some cases, up to 42 hours. Imagine what that can do to your body if you are burning high amounts of fat all day and all night long (even when you are sleeping).

A lot of people focus too much about the workout when in fact, they should focus more on the whole picture. It is not the 1 hour of workout that counts but it is the 23 hours remaining in the day.
What interval cardio activity can you do?

What ever you enjoy and willing to stick to. You can jog/run/sprint, stationary bike, spinning bike, eliptical machine, rowing, stair climbing, mountain biking, swimming, etc. It is your choice. Just get yourself moving.


The Rule to Interval Training

Always warm up for 4-6 minutes

High intensity: Perform one minute as fast as you can.

(Level 9 or 10 intensity on a scale of 1-10)

Moderate intensity: Slow down to a moderate pace for two minutes

(Level 6-7 intensity).

Therefore, one round will last about 3 minutes.

Always cool down for 5 minutes

Warning: Do not perform interval training before resistance training. It can actually cause a negative effect on your routine.


Week One to Four:

Complete 3 rounds, 3 xs per week.

Total time: 19 minutes per session (including the warm up and cool down).

You can perform this during your non-training days or right after your weight lifting.

Week Five to Eight

Complete 4 rounds, 4 xs per week.

Total time: 22 minutes per session (including the warm up and cool down).

You can perform this during your non-training days or right after your weight lifting.

Week Nine to Twelve

Complete 5 rounds, 4 xs per week.

Total time: 25 minutes per session (including the warm up and cool down).

You can perform this during your non-training days or right after your weight lifting.

Weeks Thirteen to Sixteen:

Complete 6 rounds, 5 xs per week.

Total time: 28 minutes per session (including the warm up and cool down).

You can perform this during your non-training days or right after your weight lifting.


This is what the interval Training Looks like duing the first week.

Warm up for 4-6 minutes by doing some light jogging.

Followed By High Intensity Running/Sprinting for one full minute.

(Level 9 or 10 intensity on a scale of 1-10)

Followed by Moderate intensity: Slow down to jogging for two minutes

(Level 6-7 intensity).

Repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 rounds: Run/Sprint for one minute followed by jogging for 2 minutes.

After completing all 3 rounds, light jog/walk for 5 minutes for a cool down.


Warning: Do not perform interval training before resistance training. It can actually cause a negative effect on your routine.

Follow this exactly how it is laid out and with the proper amount of resistance training, it will help boost your metabolism to allow you to burn more fat through out the day.

However, keep in mind that you want to perform interval training right after your resistance training (never before resistance training). Doing interval training first can actually cause your body to break down your muscle tissue for energy during the resistance training. Interval training can also be done during your non-resistance day.

You will be amazed how only 15 minutes of interval training can help boost your metabolism allowing you to burn fat through out your body including the fat around your stomach.

Journey Eating Tips by Arnel Ricafranca

Journey Eating Tips by Arnel Ricafranca

Most people will agree that there is more weight loss and fitness information today but there are also more and more people that are getting even more confused about proper nutrition. Each diet contradicts with one another. I know it can get very confusing.

I am not a nutritionist and I do NOT claim to know everything. However, I spent over 7 years of my life studying how the body functions. These are just the general guidelines that I use for myself.

I can never stress it enough how crucial proper eating is. It is one of my biggest reasons why I was able to drop my body fat so that I could reveal my six pack abs. Without proper supportive eating, you are wasting your time at the gym. It is only
going to be a lot tougher without the proper supportive eating.

Here are my eating tips and I'll try to keep it simple and easy to follow. If you want to lose weight and gain lean muscle, you will want your supportive eating to consist of high protein and high fiber food. You will understand why after reading this article.

Let’s Talk About Protein First:

You want to make an effort to consume high quality protein and fiber in every meal. A supportive eating rich in lean protein is very crucial for numerous reasons. Protein is essential for repairing, building, and preserving your muscle. Of course, the more muscle that you can keep and build, the higher your metabolism. In addition, protein is needed for the production of important hormones and enzymes.

However, one of the biggest reasons why protein plays a big role in your supportive eating is because protein does not spike your sugar level up. The more your blood sugar is steady, the more fat your body can release to be utilize as energy.

Protein is hard for your body to break down causing up to 20% thermic effect compared to carbohydrates and fat. What does that mean? When you consume protein, 20% of the total protein calories are used just to break down the protein into small chains of amino acids. That is extremely important to help boost your metabolism.

Here are the top 12 sources of high quality lean protein:

1. White egg omelette (hard boiled eggs)
2. Lean skinless chicken and turkey (white meat)
3. Wild Salmon
4. Lean beef
5. Tuna
6. Lean Pork
7. Sardines
8. Skim milk
9. Cottage Cheese (Fat Free)
10. Beans, nuts, legumes
11. Soy (Tofu)
12. Whey protein drinks.

Let’s Talk About Foods That Are High in Fiber:

Adding fiber into your meal is crucial for overall heath. Fiber (soluble) absorbs water making your feel fuller and for much longer time. For example, plain oatmeal is high in soluble fiber with attract water to keep you satisfied for hours. However, eating cereal that is high in sugar and low fiber causes you to get hungry very quickly. Insoluble fiber help move the food faster through the stomach and intestines to prevent constipation and other disease. It is recommended to consume about 25-35 grams of fiber per day.

Like I said earlier, you must make an effort to consume lean protein in every meal. But you also want your supportive eating to be rich in high fiber food. The list below are food that are high in fiber and packed in vitamins, minerals, and fiber that are essential muscle building, fat burning meal.

Top 12 Foods That Are High in Fiber:

1. Broccoli
2. Spinach
3. Yellow and red peppers
4. Cauliflower
5. Kale
6. Sweet potatoes
7. Brown rice
8. Plain Oatmeal (my favorite breakfast food)
9. Tomatoes
10. Berries (extremely high in antioxidants which speed up your recovery)
11. Bananas (my simple carbohydrate after working out.)
12. Legumes, beans, nuts

Let’s all put it together. Again, you want to try to consume some lean protein in every meal with foods that are high in fiber. Below are four samples of what my everyday meal looks like.
Sample Menu #1

Meal # 1 (Breakfast)
2 egg whites
1 serving of plain oatmeal with whey protein (for flavor)
½ cup skim milk
Optional Supplement: 1 teaspoon of Flax seed oil

Meal # 2 (Snack)
3 Hard Boiled Eggs
1 serving of Broccoli

Meal # 3 (Lunch)
31/2 ounces Chicken Breast
1 cup of mixed vegetables
1 Large Apple

Meal # 4 (My post workout meal)
1 Banana
11/2 servings of whey protein powder
(sipping on my whey protein during my workout and finishing it after my workout)

Meal #5 (Dinner)
31/2 ounces of Salmon
½ cup spinach
1 serving of berries such as strawberries

Meal #6 Optional (Before I go to bed)
Cottage cheese with blueberries.

Quick notes: Cottage cheese contains casein protein to help prevent muscle breakdown. Blueberries are high in antioxidants to help aid muscle repair.
Sample Menu #2

Meal # 1 (Breakfast)
5 egg whites with broccoli
½ cup skim milk
Optional Supplement: 1 teaspoon of Flax seed oil

Meal # 2 (Snack)
Cottage cheese with strawberries

Meal # 3 (Lunch)
31/2 ounces Turkey breast
¾ cup of brown rice
1 small Apple

Meal # 4 (My post workout meal)
1 Banana
11/2 serving of whey protein powder
(sipping on my whey protein during my workout and finishing it after my workout)

Meal #5 (Dinner)
31/2 ounces of chicken breast
½ cup yellow and red peppers.
Salad with spinach, tomato, olive oil and vinegar

Meal #6 Optional (Before I go to bed)
Whey protein in skim milk
Sample Menu #3

Meal # 1
5 white egg omellete with chopped broccoli
½ cup skim milk

Meal # 2
1 ounce of Almonds
1 medium Orange

Meal # 3

3.5 ounces Chicken Breast
½ cup of brown rice
1 Large Apple

Meal # 4 (My post workout meal)

1 Banana
1 scoop protein powder
(22grams protein, 5g carbs, 1 g fat)

Meal #5

3 ounces Turkey Breast or Salmon
1 cup of mixed vegetables
2 tsps olive oil dressing

Sample Menu #4

Meal # 1
6 egg whites
½ cup oatmeal (measured dry uncooked)
1 small orange

Meal # 2
1 ounce of Almonds
1 medium skim milk

Meal # 3
4 ounces Turkey Breast
2 ounce sweet potato

Meal # 4 (My post workout meal)
½ banana
2 scoops protein powder

Meal # 5

4 ounces Chicken Breast or Tuna
½ cup Spinach
Medium tomato
1.5 cups lettuce
2 tsps olive oil dressing

Quick notes: Casein is the predominant protein in milk to help prevent muscle breakdown.

My Nutritional Tip Before, During, and After Working Out

Based on research, consuming protein before, during, and after workouts help increase muscle mass more compared to any other time. My suggestion is to make a protein shake prior to working out, sipping it before and throughout the session, and a little bit more right after your workout session. To maximize your fat loss, drink a total of 20-40grams of whey protein before, during, and after working out.

My Supplement Tip

I am also receiving a lot of questions about my recommended supplements. I do NOT recommend any fat burning pills. However, I highly recommend flax seed oil and a muti-vitamin with your breakfast. Whey protein and other meal replacements can also be very helpful as well.

Quick Guidelines Overview:

I will provide you with a great guideline to help you lose weight. Let me simply it for you. These are the guidelines that I am following in my 16 week journey to six pack abs.

Rule #1: Eat smaller meals throughout day.

Ideally, try to eat every 3- 31/2 hours of a smaller meal every day. Not only will you feel less hungry but it will help boost your metabolism by constantly supplying your body with the adequate amount of energy. Stay away from eating 3 larger meals and start eating smaller meals throughout the day.

Rule#2: Consume enough high quality protein every day.

Protein (such as chicken) has a high thermic effect than carbs and fat. What does it mean to you? Your body has to burn extra calories to break down your protein into smaller amino acids. Plus, it will keep you satisfied a lot longer compared to carbs. In addition, protein is needed to build and maintain lean muscle. Aim for about 60-70% of your total calorie intake.

Rule#3: Consume 25-35 grams of fiber a day

your carbohydrates should be mostly high fiber foods such as vegetables, fruit, and high fiber unrefined grains. Fiber in your food absorbs water causing it to expand in your stomach and therefore making you feel more satisfied for a longer time. In addition, high fiber food will also control your blood sugar level; therefore, allowing you to release more body fat.

Rule#4: Avoid refined sugars and refined grains.

One of the biggest reasons why we are so overweight is because of the amount of sugar intake that we consume every year (Yes. That means to put your soda down). High sugary food/drink intake can cause your blood sugar to spike up causing you body to stop producing another hormone called glucagon. Glucagon is a releasing hormone that is responsible for releasing body fat to be utilized as energy. However, when you consume too much sugar, your glucagon production is discontinued.

Rule#5: Consume an adequate amount of fat.

When I say fat, I meant the healthy kind of fat such as nuts and seeds, nut butters, olive oil, organic meats and eggs, virgin coconut oil, and avocados. Depleting yourself with the healthy fat can negatively affect your hormone levels that will only result to more cravings.

In addition, you want to limit the unhealthy fat (saturated fat) such as butter, margarine, and the fat around your steak. Avoid hydrogenated fat at all costs as they cause more harm than good.

Rule#6: Keep yourself hydrated all day;

It is crucial to keep yourself hydrated especially while working out. Try to drink .6 - .7 ounces per pound of body weight. We are made up of mostly water and a slight decrease in your body fluid level can affect your exercise performance. My number one rule in regards to water: If you are thirsty, you are also dehydrated. Do NOT wait until you are thirsty.

Let’s put it all together:

I eat small meals throughout the day containing one lean protein and foods that are rich in fibers. I consume an average of 400 calories per meal (5-6x per day) for a total of about 2,000-2,400 calories per day. In order for you to lose weight, you must create a caloric deficit; in other words, you must burn more calories than you consume. However, consuming too little calories (extreme dieting) can result in an even lower metabolism.

Eating smaller meals throughout the day will help boost your metabolism and keep your energy up all day.

welcome to my life by simple plan

one of my favorite songs...

Do you ever feel like breaking down?
Do you ever feel out of place?
Like somehow you just don't belong
And no one understands you
Do you ever wanna run away?
Do you lock yourself in your room?
With the radio on turned up so loud
That no one hears you screaming

No you don't know what it's like
When nothing feels all right
You don't know what it's like
To be like me

To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life

Do you wanna be somebody else?
Are you sick of feeling so left out?
Are you desperate to find something more?
Before your life is over
Are you stuck inside a world you hate?
Are you sick of everyone around?
With their big fake smiles and stupid lies
While deep inside you're bleeding

No you don't know what it's like
When nothing feels all right
You don't know what it's like
To be like me

To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life

No one ever lied straight to your face
And no one ever stabbed you in the back
You might think I'm happy but I'm not gonna be okay
Everybody always gave you what you wanted
You never had to work it was always there
You don't know what it's like, what it's like

To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like (what it's like)

To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life
Welcome to my life
Welcome to my life

Steeler Uniform Facts!

Behind the Steel Curtain
By Paul Lukas

The Steelers' postseason hopes are looking iffy at best. But at least Pittsburgh fans can depend on the team's uniforms, which rank among the NFL's most classic designs. Simple, timeless, elemental -- that's the Steelers uni.

Or is it? A closer look reveals that the Steelers have had a surprising number of unique uniform quirks over the years, several of which continue to this day. Much like the Cowboys (whose uniform aberrations we examined a while back), the Steelers are a hotbed of uni anomalies hiding inside a deceptively simple-seeming package.

So here's Uni Watch's list of the Steelers' top 10 uniform eccentricities, along with an assessment of how unique each one is. Without further ado:

Look at the Steelers linemen from one side and you see their familiar helmet logo; look at them from the other side and you see lots of plain black space. That's because the Steelers wear their helmet logo on only one side. This quirk dates back to 1962, when club officials weren't sure how the logo would look, so they told the equipment manager to put the helmet decals on only one side, as a test. The team ended up having its best season ever up to that time, so the decision was made to stick with the one-sided format.

Uniqueness Factor: Very high. No other NFL team has ever gone with asymmetrical headgear.

Every August, like clockwork, Uni Watch HQ is flooded with e-mails from people pointing out that the Steelers' familiar front-helmet uniform numbers are missing. As Uni Watch patiently explains each time, this is one of the team's annual rituals. They go without the helmet numbers during the preseason and then add the numbers once the regular season starts. So if you don't make the final roster cut, no helmet number for you!

Uniqueness Factor: High. Uni Watch is unaware of any similar protocol in the NFL. The closest thing is in the NHL, where the Red Wings use straight block lettering for their player names during the preseason before reverting to their usual vertically arched letters on opening night.

The Steelers logo is based on the Steelmark, which was created by the American Iron and Steel Institute. The logo originally read "Steel" (not "Steelers"), and that's how it looked when it debuted on the team's helmets midway through the 1962 season, but owner Art Rooney eventually got permission to change the word to "Steelers" in 1963.

Uniqueness Factor: High. Other pro sports teams have had corporate tie-ins with other businesses (the team name "Mighty Ducks of Anaheim," for example), but the Steelers are the only team Uni Watch can think of whose logo is based on a design from a completely different industry.

Many fans aren't aware -- and others would rather forget -- that the Steelers wore these jerseys in 1966 and '67. The yellow shoulder yoke was officially called "the Golden Triangle" (a reference to downtown Pittsburgh's nickname), but the design quickly became known as the Batman uniform, because the yellow panel looked like a cape. Uni Watch actually thinks it looked pretty cool (you can see additional photos here), but the Steelers were a bad team at the time, so anything they did was quickly ridiculed. After two seasons, the Golden Triangle was quietly retired.

Uniqueness Factor: Fairly high. Plenty of NFL teams have worn contrasting shoulder panels, but the Steelers are the only ones who've used the cape-like shape.

All the colored accents you see on NFL footwear these days can be traced back to Steel Curtain mainstay L.C. Greenwood, who wore gold cleats back in the '70s -- sometimes high-tops, sometimes low-tops, always distinctive. According to a display at the Heinz History Center in Pittsburgh, "He was fined every game for wearing them, but the fines were never more than $100, and the Steelers' organization 'forgot' to collect the money from him."

Uniqueness Factor: High for its time. Back in the day, nobody else was wearing anything but solid white or solid black.

The Steelers were the designated home team for Super Bowl XL. But instead of wearing their black home jerseys, they opted to go with their road whites. The move was rooted in superstition: The Steelers had reached the Super Bowl by winning three consecutive playoff games on the road, so they decided not to mess with sartorial success.

Uniqueness Factor: High. The Cowboys and Redskins have chosen to wear white in the Super Bowl, but that's because they normally wear white at home. And the Cowboys wore their road blues in Super Bowl V despite being the home team, but that was because the rules at the time required the designated home team to wear its colored jersey. The Steelers are the only Super Bowl home team that's chosen to wear its road uni for the big game.

Hey, is that the Steelers? Nope, it's the University of Iowa. Looks just like the Steelers, though, right? The similarities date back to 1978, when Hawkeyes coach Haden Fry, who'd been brought in to turn around the dismal Iowa football program, wanted to give his team the look of a winner. The school's colors were already black and gold, and the Steelers were in the midst of their late-'70s dynasty, so he got permission from Steelers owner Art Rooney to create a knockoff of Pittsburgh's uni design.

Uniqueness Factor: High. Georgia and Grambling wear the Packers' "G" logo, but Uni Watch is unaware of any similar examples of an NCAA team duplicating an NFL team's entire uniform.

Troy Polamalu's long hair usually obscures the rear-neckline area of his jersey. So it might surprise you to learn that he has a little cross embroidered right above his nameplate. That's a major violation of NFL uni regulations, but the league's position is that it's OK because it's usually covered by his hair. (Translation: "We reeeaaaallly don't want to get involved in a controversy about religious expression.")

Uniqueness Factor: High. Tim Tebow can cite Bible verses on his eye-black stickers all day long, but Polamalu is the only major-level athlete Uni Watch can think of with a religious symbol actually stitched into his team's uniform.

9. "C" NO EVIL
You know those "C" patches that team captains have been wearing for the past three seasons? The patch program is optional -- the Packers, for example, have worn them only in playoff games. And a few other teams have occasionally gone without them. But only one team has never worn the captaincy patches: the Steelers.

Uniqueness Factor: Go back and reread that last sentence.

The Steelers wore green in 1943 -- sort of. With NFL rosters depleted due to World War II, the Steelers and Eagles were forced to merge for one season, becoming the Steagles (yes, that's really what they were called), and creating a thorny uniform conflict. According to Matthew Algeo's book "Last Team Standing": "Eagles owner Lex Thompson would not allow his players to wear anything other than the team's usual colors of kelly green and white. [Steelers owners Bert] Bell and [Art] Rooney wanted the team to wear the Steelers' black and gold jerseys, at least when playing in Pittsburgh. In the end, Thompson won out. The team would wear Eagles jerseys for every game. Bell and Rooney probably gave in because it would have been too costly to clean and maintain two sets of uniforms all season anyway." Steagles photos are rare, but a recent episode of "Amazing Sports Stories" interpreted their uniforms like so. Hey, it could've been worse.

Uniqueness Factor: The following year, the Steelers again had to merge with another team -- this time the Chicago Cardinals. According to football historian Tim Brulia's breakdown of early football uniforms, the merged team, which was called Card-Pitt (man, that's even worse than the Steagles) wore "a white helmet; red jersey with white numerals (blue jersey with white numerals for game at Redskins); white pants; red socks." Just another weird chapter in Steelers uni history.

As Gregg Easterbrook likes to point out, the multicolored icons on the Steelers' logo are not stars -- they're hypocycloids. That's true as far as it goes, but it's not specific enough. If you really want to get geeky about it (who, Uni Watch?), call them by their proper name: astroids, which refers to a four-pointed hypocycloid.

Uniqueness Factor: How many other teams provide a geometry lesson at no extra charge?

The nameplate lettering on the Steelers' road jerseys has always been gold -- except in 1997, when it was black. ... For decades now the Steelers' socks have featured thick vertical ribbing, which add a nice textural element to the proceedings. ... Back in the 1970s, the lettering on the team's helmet logo was rendered in a surprisingly cutesy typeface. ... The Steelers don't have cheerleaders, but they used to. The Steelerettes, as they were called, were active from 1961-69 and had some groovy uniforms.

So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen, your Pittsburgh Steelers -- a team with much more than meets the eye.


A simple easy to learn meditative exercise, which combines both a mantra and a mandala, is described as follows:

1. Find a quiet place where you can be alone if possible. (This technique may be done in crowded places as long as it is appropriate for you to close your eyes. If you cannot escape to your bedroom or other isolated spot, you can always close the stall door in a public facility to achieve some degree of aloneness and privacy.)

2. Sit in a comfortable position.

3. Close your eyes and take three deep breaths. Let your thoughts come and go.

4. Start to visualize a particular object-for example, a rose.

5. In your thoughts, start to repeat the word for the object-"rose"-over and over, at any speed or rhythm it wants to go.

6. As you continue to repeat the word, start to imagine the rose opening and closing in the same rhythm.

7. If distracting thoughts come into your mind, let them pass through. Continue to repeat your word and see its image. (Often, worries of the day, like "what shall I have for dinner" or "I have three exams to study for," will flow through your mind to distract you.?

8. Keep this process going from two to twenty minutes.

9. When it is time to stop, open your eyes slowly.

You should feel relaxed, refreshed, and less anxious after trying this technique.

wow old resolutions...

Found this just right now, memories... haha, so far accomplished 1, 5, and uh 7 (somewhat... lol). I still have that prayer, its taped to my ceiling to remind myself to pray when I wake up.

2007 New Year’s Resolutions

1. quit smoking for good
2. start eating right and lose 15-20 pounds (150-160, currently at 165, was 175 on Christmas haha)
3. do better in school
4. save money
5. start going to church and get my faith back
6. be a better person/son/brother/change my ways
7. have more patience
8. and most important, be happy.

A prayer I will say everyday when I wake up.

Dear Lord,
Give me:
The patience to listen.
The courage to speak.
The honor to follow.
The wisdom to lead.

I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

What about you, what do you expect from yourself in 2007?

results of bowie tourney

just for keepsakes

girls 119
Weight: 119
1st: Alysha Gallis, Sandia 4- 0
2nd: Darlene Fernandez, Hanks 3- 1
3rd: Mayela Rascon, Del Valle 5- 1
4th: Jo De La Riva, Burges 4- 2

Individually, Austin's Desiree Galindo and Albuquerque Sandia High School's Alysha Gallis shared the Wrestler of the Meet award.

Gallis was the only member of her team to travel to El Paso and it was her first tournament wrestling all girls. In Albuquerque, she is 6-6 against boys with five victories by pin and only one loss by pin.

"It was easier, because boys are a ton stronger than girls," Gallis said. "It helped me a lot, because I learned what my strengths are against girls my size."

In only her freshman year, Gallis single-handedly placed her team 13th and hopes to compete at the New Mexico state meet in both the boys and girls divisions.

boys 119 and 152

Weight: 119
1st: Adrian Sandoval, Eastwood 4- 0
2nd: Nathan Montes, Hanks 3- 1
3rd: Gerardo Ramirez, Americas 4- 1
4th: Marcos Romo, Montwood 3- 2
5th: Daniel McCauley, Silver City 5- 2
6th: Forfeit, 5- 2

Weight: 152
1st: Abel Rodriguez, Chapin 4- 0
2nd: Nick Delgado, Cobre 3- 1
3rd: Julian Jaramillo, Burges 4- 1
4th: Hugo Hernandez, Hanks 3- 2
5th: Nevada Bencomo, Silver City 4- 2
6th: Joey Vela, Eastwood 3- 3


Men Are Just Happier People-- What do you expect from such simple creatures. Your last name stays put.
The garage is all yours. Wedding plans take care of themselves. Chocolate is just another snack. You can be President. You can never be pregnant. You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park. You can wear NO shirt to a water park. Car mechanics tell you the truth. The world is your urinal. You never have to drive to another gas station restroom because this one is just too icky. You don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt. Same work, more pay. Wrinkles add character.
Wedding dress $5000. Tux rental-$100. People never stare at your chest when you're talking to them.
New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle your feet.
One mood all the time.
Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat. You know stuff about tanks. A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase. You can open all your own jars. You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness. If someone forgets to invite you, he or she can still be your friend.
Your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack. Three pairs of shoes are more than enough. You almost never have strap problems in public. You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes. Everything on your face stays its original color. The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades. You only have to shave your face and neck.
You can play with toys all your life. One wallet and one pair of shoes -- one color for all seasons.
You can wear shorts no matter how your legs look. You can 'do' your nails with a pocket knife. You have freedom of choice concerning growing a moustache.
You can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives on December 24 in 25 minutes.
No wonder men are happier.
Send this to the women who can handle it and to the men who will enjoy reading it.

Pastor's Business Card


A new pastor was visiting in the homes of his parishioners. At one house it seemed obvious that someone was at home, but no answer came to his repeated knocks at the door.

Therefore, he took out his business card and wrote "Revelation 3:20" on the back of it and stuck it in the door.

When the offering was processed the following Sunday, he found that his card had been returned. Added to it was this cryptic message, "Genesis 3:10."

Reaching for his Bible to check out the citation, he broke up in gales of laughter.

Revelation 3:20 begins "Behold, I stand at the door and knock."

Genesis 3:10 reads, "I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid for I was naked."

Remember when the funniest jokes were the clean ones?

They still are!
Pass it on!

Make wise choices. Keep the faith in Christ!

Make wise choices. Keep the faith in Christ!

Working is good but always make time to worship your loving Savior and find a Christian mentor or counselor that will exhort you to obey the holy spirit.

These spiritual mentors help to remind us to trust in the Lord, not in ourselves or in the science. Trust in God's word.

That is why we need to be accountable to other Christians in our daily walk with Jesus.

One of our challenges as Christians is to become mature enough to learn from our spiritual mistakes. Stop repeating them! We often need help.

You must read the story of Kind David. The bible teaches us that God loved him immensely. And yet he was such a screw up!

King David fought huge battles against his flesh and always lost! But he always repented and begged God for mercy and forgiveness.

Father God never disappointed him, always forgave him, but also God had to discipline David, that is give a consequence for his sin.

If you give in to your flesh, God's word says that our gracious Lord will forgive our weakness and give us strength to pick up our cross and try again.

You can overcome the desires of your flesh when you ask the Lord to strengthen you against them.
That battle can be overcome! God's word tells you that greater is the spirit of God that lives in you than the evil spirits in the air.

Our battle against our flesh is another thing altogether.

Don’t struggle with God. It is a losing battle. Do you know the story of Jacob and his struggle against the Lord?

You should look it up. Find out what happened to him at the end of the struggle.

Don’t ever doubt his love for you. His mercies are new every morning. Never forget that.


Ever wonder what would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat our cell phone.
What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets?

What if we flipped through it several times a day?

What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?

What if we used it to receive messages from the text?

What if we treated it l...ike we couldn't live without it?

What if we gave it to Kids as gifts?

What if we used it when we travelled?

What if we used it in case of emergency?

This is something to make you go.....hmm.....where is my Bible?

Oh, and one more thing.

Unlike our cell phone, we don't have to worry about our Bible being disconnected because Jesus already paid the bill.

Makes you stop and think, doesn't it?

Where are my priorities?

And no dropped calls! Trust in the Lord and *ASAP (Always Say A Prayer)

Have a blessed and wonderful day!

How To Live Through A Bad Day

Hebrews 12:2 "Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we're in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed - that exhilarating finish in and with God -- he could put up with anything along the way: cross, shame, whatever, and now he's there, in the place of honor, right alongside God."

Principle - Luke 23:46 "Father, into your hands i commit my spirit."

Finally __________ your day to God, and let it go.

Philippians 4:6-7 LB "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs"


a. Worry is __________. -Matthew 6:25
b. Worry is __________. -Matthew 6:26
c. Worry is __________. -Matthew 6:27
d. Worry is __________. -Matthew 6:30


1. GET TO __________ GOD.

a. Matthew 6:31-32 "So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' for the pagan run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them."

b. Matthew 6:32 "People who don't know God and the way He works worry over these things..."

2. PUT GOD __________ IN EVERY AREA OF YOUR __________.

a. Matthew 6:33 "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

b. Never let your __________ tell you how to feel.

3. LIVE ONE __________ AT A TIME.

a. Matthew 6:34 "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.

4. CAST YOUR __________ ON GOD.

a. 1 Peter 5:7 "Casting the whole of your care [all of your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully"

b. "Cast" actually means to __________ or to throw.

Time To Say Goodbye

"Time To Say Goodbye"

I just don't want to waste another day
I'm trying to make things right
But you shove it in my face
And all those things you've done to me I can't erase
And I can't keep this inside
It's time to say goodbye

On the first day that I met you
I should have known to walk away
I should have told you you were crazy
And disappear without a trace
But instead I stood there waiting
Hoping you would come around
But you always found a way to let me down

It's time to say goodbye
(I just don't want to waste another day)
It's time to say goodbye
(Cause things will never be the same)
It's time to say goodbye
(You make me think I need to walk away)
It's time to say goodbye
It's time to say goodbye

After all the things I've done for you
You never tried to do the same
It's like you always play the victim
And I'm the one you always blame
When you need someone to save you
When you think you're going to drown
(Think you're going to drown)
You just grab your arms around me and pull me down

It's time to say goodbye
(I just don't want to waste another day)
It's time to say goodbye
(Cause things will never be the same)
It's time to say goodbye
(You make me think I need to walk away)
It's time to say goodbye
It's time to say goodbye

Now I'm gone
It's too late
You can't fix
Your mistakes
I was trying to save you from you
So you scream
So you cry
I can see
Through your lies
You're just trying to change me
(Trying to change me)

Somewhere in the distance
There's a place for me to go
I don't want you to hate me
But I think you need to know
You're weighing on my shoulders
And I'm sick of feeling down
So I guess it's time for me to say goodbye

Bosses Who Bully By Irene S. Levine

September 22, 2006

By making concessions to her supervisors and by working hard to keep her own frustrations in check, Barbara was ultimately able to complete her doctorate.
If you think bullies only lurk in playgrounds, think again. Adult bullies are ubiquitous, cropping up as supervisors in organizations around the globe. In laboratories and other scientific settings, the inherent imbalance of power between trainees and their supervisors can set the stage for workplace bullying. "Bullying thrives in situations where the perpetrators are both powerful and frightening, and those around them too scared to challenge," writes physician and career counselor Anita Houghton, M.D., in BMJ Careers .

There are other reasons why science is a fertile breeding ground for bullies. "People in certain fields rise up the managerial chain by being experts," says sociologist Gini Graham Scott, Ph.D., author of A Survival Guide for Working with Bad Bosses: Dealing with Bullies, Idiots, Back-Stabbers, and other Managers from Hell (American Management Association, 2006). "Science is one of those fields. You can have supervisors who are brilliant in their work as scientists but who don't necessarily have people skills. They may not have management training or an understanding of how to work with employees. Also, in scientific laboratories, there isn't always a human resources person to go to, and there may be few opportunities for oversight. If someone complains, there are likely to be repercussions, and the person can be blacklisted."

If you're a science trainee whose boss is a bully, the challenges and risks, to both your professional and your personal life, are formidable, and your options are usually limited. But if you recognize this phenomenon, there are ways to minimize its adverse effects.

Barbara's experience

Barbara,* currently a postdoc, acquired what she now calls "emotional scars" while earning her doctoral degree. Even though the experiences occurred several years ago, she still can't put them out of her mind. She was a Ph.D. student in biology working in a laboratory at a European university when she was bullied by her bosses.

"It felt like the slave trade," she says. Her advisor, one of two co-directors in the lab, was enraged when he learned that Barbara had moved in with her boyfriend. "If you are planning to have children," he said, "I should know it so you can leave the lab now." Barbara had no such plans--but when one of her labmates became pregnant, the advisor started assigning the woman less and less work, isolating her from her peers. "You became pregnant, and that's the last thing you do in my lab," her advisor told her. The woman resigned.

While Barbara was writing her dissertation, the other co-director told her he needed help running some experiments for a project that would be published in a top-tier journal. When she told him that she was already stretched thin finishing her doctoral work and applying for postdocs, he got angry. He demanded that she think about it overnight and return to his office the next day. Barbara returned and told him that she simply didn't have the time. "You don't understand, Barbara," he said. "I'm not making you an offer; I'm telling you that you are going to do these experiments." Because she was close to finishing her degree and didn't want it derailed, she felt as though she had no choice. She took on the additional work.

Her advisor also asked her to share authorship of her papers with people who had nothing to do with the work. When she questioned the dubious ethics, he made it clear that she wasn't in a position to negotiate. "This is my lab, Barbara; if you don't like my rules, you can go straight to the door," her advisor told her, not for the first time. Other students suffered similar indignities. "Both of them were controlling, possessive, and had no problems threatening students to get what they wanted," Barbara says.

People like Barbara--on the first rung of their career ladders--often have no choice other than to "grin and bear it" when faced with a bully in the workplace, says Scott, who often consults on workplace relationships.

What it means to be bullied in the workplace

There is no commonly agreed-upon definition of "workplace bullying"; the phenomenon can manifest in different forms. Social psychologist Gary Namie, director of the Workplace Bullying Institute in Bellingham, Washington, defines it as follows:

Repeated, health-harming mistreatment of one or more persons (the targets) by one or more perpetrators that takes one or more of the following forms: verbal abuse; threatening, humiliating, or offensive behavior/actions; work interference--sabotage--which prevents work from getting done.

The box below provides a more detailed description, with examples provided by the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS). Although most of us have probably fallen victim to one form of abuse or another, it counts as bullying--and becomes a serious problem--when there is a regular pattern of such behaviors.

Is Your Workplace Toxic?

Examples of Workplace Bullying (Source: CCOHS)

Spreading malicious rumors, gossip, or innuendo that are not true

Excluding or isolating someone socially

Intimidating a person

Undermining or deliberately impeding a person's work

Physically abusing or threatening abuse

Removing areas of responsibilities without cause

Constantly changing work guidelines

Establishing impossible deadlines that will set up the individual to fail

Withholding necessary information or purposefully giving the wrong information

Making jokes that are 'obviously offensive' by spoken word or e-mail

Intruding on a person's privacy by pestering, spying, or stalking

Assigning unreasonable duties or workload in a way that creates unnecessary pressure

Underwork--creating a feeling of uselessness

Yelling or using profanity

Criticizing a person persistently or constantly

Belittling a person's opinions

Unwarranted (or undeserved) punishment

Blocking applications for training, leave, or promotion

Tampering with a person's personal belongings or work equipment

According to the Canadian Safety Council, bullying--which they consider a form of harassment--is far more prevalent than sexual harassment or racial discrimination, perhaps because the latter are more likely to be illegal. As heinous as the practice is, few countries have laws that discourage workplace bullying. (France, Sweden, and Norway are exceptions.) A recent review in the Journal of Business Ethics suggests that although the body of research is growing, the United States lags behind other countries both in studying the problem and addressing it. The authors speculate that workers in the United States may be more comfortable with autocratic bosses than are workers elsewhere.

A study in the British Medical Journal estimates that workplace bullying affects up to 50% of the workforce in the United Kingdom at some time in their working lives, with annual prevalence rates of 38%. Statistics from a workplace bullying advice line suggest that 90% of cases in the U.K. involve a manager bullying a subordinate; 8% involve peer-to-peer bullying; and in 2% of cases, subordinate(s) bully managers. Perpetrators are equally likely to be male or female, but targets are more likely to be female.

A study published in the Postgraduate Medical Journal focused on doctors who work in a research environment. The investigators surveyed 259 doctors who had registered on largest Web site for doctors in Europe--and found that more than half reported having been bullied in the form of threats to their professional status and personal standing.

Namie estimates that nearly three out of four bullied individuals ultimately lose their position, which suggests that perpetrators aren't often held accountable for their actions. In many cases, victims are blamed; other times, the situation is written off as a personality conflict between two or more people.

"Some people are more bully-hardy or bully-resistant than others," says Eddie Erlandson, a physician and one of the co-authors of Alpha Male Syndrome (Harvard Business School Press, 2006), a book that describes highly competitive and energetic leaders who unintentionally create chaos in the workplace because of bullying tactics. Although there is some research that portrays victims of bullies as unassertive and conflict-avoidant, other reports suggest that bullying is an "equal-opportunity" activity and that anyone of us is vulnerable. Although evidence is only anecdotal, some postdocs feel that foreign trainees are particularly vulnerable as targets due to the social isolation that occurs when someone is new to a country and just learning its language and culture. "You don't know other faculty or other people, so from the beginning you find yourself in this 'you and your advisor on a boat' position," says one postdoc.

The consequences of bullying are serious and extract a huge toll on physical health (leading to migraines, sleeplessness, high blood pressure, and loss of appetite), emotional health (leading to anxiety, depression, irritability, family conflict, substance abuse, and thoughts of suicide), and productivity (due to impaired concentration, low morale, absenteeism, and staff turnover).

Bullies exist because the workplace culture supports them. "The incentives to challenge bullying behavior are far outweighed by the incentives to keep your head down," writes Houghton. "This creates an aggressive culture that continues because it selects people who can survive in it--people who are likely to be thick-skinned and aggressive themselves. These people in turn provide role models for the up-and-coming generation."

Tips for turning it around

So what can a science trainee do to avoid the landmines?

Look before you leap

Because it's never easy to deal with bully bosses, try to avoid them. Be careful before you agree to work with an individual who will likely have influence over your career for years to come. Before you accept a position, visit the laboratory (even if it entails a trip across the ocean) and spend time speaking with fourth- or fifth-year trainees who know the history and culture of the lab. Directly ask them about their working conditions and staff turnover.

Watch your back

Once you're on board, experts agree that one of the most constructive approaches to minimizing bullying is for trainees and supervisors to be vigilant and educated about its symptoms. There is a growing body of empirical literature, advice books, and Web sites to help you recognize first signs and teach you coping skills.

Trust your instincts

If you feel like you are being bullied, chances are that you are. Keep in mind that there are no objective tests or criteria; bullying is subjective. One individual may not feel bullied under the same circumstances as another. If you are uncertain about your feelings or if you aren't sure whether you should approach your supervisor, seek advice from a trusted friend, family member, colleague, or mentor. If you want to speak to someone removed from your direct situation, find a safe place online where you can remain anonymous and solicit feedback from others who have had similar experiences. The Forum is one such place.

Don't suffer in silence

Recognize that supervisors are often clueless about the impact of their words or behavior. As a first step, in a firm, but calm, professional demeanor, tell your supervisor how his or her behaviors or comments make you feel and see whether things change. If the situation is so bad that you feel you have nothing to lose, consider reporting the abuse to the next level of management--realizing it may backfire and the consequences may be dire. Be sure to keep a diary recording details of events and collect any written documentation.

Find ways to maintain your self-confidence

Don't wallow in your situation. Instead, allow yourself downtime from work and engage with other people and activities that allow you to feel good about yourself. "Trainees need to develop an awareness of how they react to stress, strain, stretch, unexpected change, and pressure, as well as sleep deprivation," says Erlandson. He suggests that trainees practice "reset" strategies: regular habits of exercise, breathing, relaxation, yoga, meditation, prayer, or music.

You are not alone

Don't let your shame keep you isolated. If your boss is a bully, chances are that other people feel the same way you do. Find confidants, in and out of the office, to whom you can speak openly and with whom you can strategize appropriate actions.

Plan an exit strategy

If the situation is intolerable or causing you more grief than it is worth, it may be time to think about leaving. Don't leave impulsively. Discreetly check out options in other labs or other institutions. Try not to burn any bridges before you go. And remember that the situation will look different when you're out the other end. "I joke about it now," says another postdoc. "I say I deserved a second Ph.D. based on my graduate school experience--one in psychology."

Become a bully-buster when you're in charge

As a manager later on, you can play an important role in guaranteeing a bully-free environment for all. Clarify the steps a trainee should take if his/her concerns aren't heard or are ignored by a supervisor. Assess the negative impact of bullying on victims and bystanders, and be willing to step in. Make sure your organization has mechanisms in place that allow for feedback from employees; periodic evaluations of supervisors should be standard organizational policy, perhaps through an anonymous survey, suggests Scott. Without exception, there should be a "zero tolerance" policy for bullying behavior, says Erlandson: "Clear communication of this intention makes it easy to hold bullies accountable."

Out the other end

By making concessions to her supervisors and by working hard to keep her own frustrations in check, Barbara was ultimately able to complete her doctorate. She also used her experience positively when the time came to choosing her next move. "Money, location, or publications were no longer my priorities when I chose my next lab. I just didn't want to make the same mistake again," says Barbara. She landed safely in a new workplace and was fortunate to find "a wonderful advisor" who is always willing to listen and to help. Entering his office continues to bring back painful memories of her past, but she is hopeful that those too will pass in time.

* Names have been changed to protect privacy.

Was there a great mentor who helped you "kick it up a notch" personally and professionally during the course of your training? How did you find this mentor? What did he or she do for you that was most helpful? Please share your experiences for an upcoming Mind Matters Column. Send your thoughts to

Irene S. Levine is a freelance journalist whose work has appeared in many of America's leading newspapers and magazines. Trained as a psychologist, she works part-time as a research scientist at the Nathan Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research in Orangeburg, New York, and she holds a faculty appointment as a professor of psychiatry at the New York University School of Medicine. She resides in Chappaqua, New York.