Saturday, January 23, 2010

One More.. by Joshua D.M. Johnson

I sit by myself and reflect on the past,
I know that with time that this too shall pass.
There is a whole in my heart I fear will never be filled,
My life plays out in my mind and I am riddled with guilt.
Why do we make the decisions we make?
Does anyone realize what is really at stake?
One bad choice and the world can turn inside out,
How do you live with yourself and not have any doubt?
It's a question I ask, but I never hear a reply,
In the end we all go and we all soon will die,
Ashes to Ashes and Dust to Dust,
We must learn to adapt, we must learn to adjust,
Cause when you down deep we are all really the same,
And those fingers you point there is really no one to blame,
Peek in the mirror and take a glance at yourself,
Do you really think this life is all about wealth?
Things of this earth don't mean spit in the end,
At the end of the day do you have any friends?
Will emotions of joy follow your name?
Or will your life be just one in the same?
Now is the time to really stand out,
Get rid of the fear, Banish the Doubt,
For when things go awry you can only recall,
How short this life is and indeed you will fall.
You are foolish to think anything else,
And you must do what I say and take a look at yourself,
The strength that you have it must come from within,
Believe in yourself and indeed you will win!

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