Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Hit the weight loss right way.

Do not skip breakfast, bad move. The meal keeps your body’s metabolism stoked.
Do not load up on “diet” snacks. Baked chips and fat-free candy are still junk food.
Do not eat post workout snack, too many calories can undo your hard work.
Drink more water. It will help flush away sodium, which bloats you. You will be also less likely to down high calorie beverages.
Fill up on fiber; it keeps you full longer than any other food.
Do interval training; there is no better way to burn off fat.
Do more than just train, not just in the gym, go for walks, run with dogs, consider getting a bike for weekends, etc.
Cut calories, you have to take in fewer calories than you are burning each day. Period.
Do more than pop a multivitamin, they may work but don’t work miracles.
Do not swear off favorite foods, you will eventually cave, and it will not be pretty.
Mix cardio and strength, it is more effective.
Do not slash carbs, your body needs at least 100 grams a day for energy.

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