Saturday, January 23, 2010


old convo with the one and only kamela! probaly xmas 2008

---------------------- 5:09 am ----------------------
ceptxj: Omg
ceptxj: Wtf
ceptxj: Lol
Kamela: huh?
Kamela: wtf whattttt??
Kamela: what uppp shithead
Kamela: dammmit i had to get up extra earlier
Kamela: fucking snow
ceptxj: Lol just here n u?
Kamela: imp issed
ceptxj: Really?
ceptxj: Nice
ceptxj: Haha
Kamela: just watiting on truck to warm up then gottta go to work
ceptxj: Come back to ep
Kamela: yea right
Kamela: im sooo sick of snow
ceptxj: No snow
ceptxj: Here I mean
Kamela: wish it would snow in el paso
Kamela: lol
ceptxj: Blah
Kamela: i wish
ceptxj: Lol
ceptxj: Never!
Kamela: i know ...and hmmmmm i love it here except winters
ceptxj: Yeah
Kamela: blah blah
ceptxj: Haha
Kamela: so who u going out with now? congrats on being drug free
ceptxj: Nobody
ceptxj: Thanks
Kamela: ure smart
ceptxj: I dunno about women
Kamela: i miss single life lol
ceptxj: They suck now
Kamela: now u know why i dont have alot of girlfriends...
ceptxj: I have a new friend now
Kamela: most of my friends are males
Kamela: oh yea?
ceptxj: The right hand
Kamela: LMAO
ceptxj: Haha
Kamela: her name Rosey Palm?
Kamela: lol
ceptxj: That and the watermelon
ceptxj: Haha
Kamela: u are hanging out with Rosey and her 5 sisters
Kamela: lol
ceptxj: Haha
Kamela: (5 sisters mean the fingers)
ceptxj: Duh
Kamela: im sure u got it
Kamela: lol
ceptxj: Lol
Kamela: i know ure the smart one
Kamela: i shouldnt have to explain
Kamela: lol
ceptxj: Haha
ceptxj: Yeah well
Kamela: u hang out with deafies?
ceptxj: Lol
Kamela: so
ceptxj: Not really
ceptxj: Just christian alot
ceptxj: Sometimes the others for football games and poker
Kamela: hows he doing???
Kamela: thats cool
ceptxj: He's good
ceptxj: Just being a lil brat
Kamela: lol
ceptxj: Haha
Kamela: i hear ya lol
ceptxj: Haha
Kamela: well tell him i said HIIIIIIIIII especailly Amy
ceptxj: Haha
ceptxj: Yeah
Kamela: hows ur mom?
ceptxj: She's good
Kamela: did they really get a divorce? u r parents?
ceptxj: My parents r back together
ceptxj: Yeah they did
ceptxj: Now they're back together
ceptxj: Haha
Kamela: wow cant get over that...
Kamela: ohhhhh awesome!!
ceptxj: Yeah
Kamela: damn it borke my heart when u told me the news
ceptxj: Its crazy
Kamela: everyoen has problems
ceptxj: Yeah
Kamela: but im glad they r back 2gether
Kamela: they couldnt resist each other huh lol
ceptxj: Another reason why women suck
ceptxj: Lol
ceptxj: Lol probaly
Kamela: okkkk go easy on women
Kamela: im a woman soooooo not all women suck
ceptxj: Lol
Kamela: only 95 percent do
Kamela: heheh
ceptxj: Ur not a woman
ceptxj: Ur a sister
Kamela: oh im not?
Kamela: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Kamela: u made my day then....
ceptxj: Heh
Kamela: well i betetr get outta here
Kamela: ill be in touch
ceptxj: Aight
ceptxj: Love you
Kamela: LOVE U LOTS!!
Kamela: B GOOD.....
ceptxj: Never
ceptxj: Haha
ceptxj: Merry xmas!
Kamela: lol
Kamela: Bah Humbug

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