Thursday, August 20, 2009

Poor Decisions - The Edge with Coach Doug Reese

Not often in one's life do you get the opportunity to coach a real talent. They are a rare gem to behold. I had that opportunity.
It was all there; work ethic, skill, mental toughness, scholarship, dedication, desire, heart, and leadership. All the components of a champion were in place. We went into the season not with a goal of a fourth straight conference championship, or attempting to re-break his season win record, or set another school takedown mark. No, only one goal was on the table - a national championship.
This was not a goal beyond one's grasp. It wasn't just a possibility. It was attainable. Then in a heartbeat, it was all gone.
A poor decision snowballed into a felony charge. The arrest resulted in five days in jail, a bail hearing, an athletic suspension, and a judge's order to stay off campus and not to leave the state (even to go home for Christmas break!). There is also a university discipline hearing that may involve more penalties (suspension, expulsion) since his actions happened on campus.
In one poor decision came a major loss. The future was bright. The individual had good grades, he was respected by his professors, and the wrestling community was in awe of his skills and friendly, good nature. Now graduation from this university is in question, the season is over; the goals have now become just a far fetched dream. Everything was gone in a heartbeat due to a stupid decision.
Although this example is tragic, it is not rare to see people around us make stupid decisions every day.
It is just common sense that when we break the law, when we make stupid decisions and choices, when we lie, twist the truth and deceive, when we just flat out sin, - we will pay a price. The apostle Paul wrote that, "The wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23 NIV). That is a high price to pay!
The fact of the matter is all of us have sinned and have fallen well short of God's standard (Romans 3:23 NIV). We all have made boneheaded mistakes, done the regrettable, and wished we could have the opportunity to replay the choices we once made. Unfortunately, that is not an option in life. As a result we have a dreaded court date of our own where justice must be served.
As a just and holy God, God can only respond in a way consistent with his perfect nature. He can not allow sin to go unchecked; he has to punish it. Now you may think that some sin doesn't seem that extreme, and sometimes we try to justify it. Sometimes nobody even knows about our sin. But God knows! The bottom line is that God hates sin, which is a result of disobedience to his standard of excellence. Thus, not only does sin break our relationship with him, but he must punish the sinner.
But there is good news according to Paul as he continues in his letter to the Romans, "...but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 6:23 NIV).
We are all guilty, but God had a game play to save us from our sin. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son" (John 3:16-18 NIV).
The dumbest mistake anyone can make is rejecting God's Son, Jesus Christ. Rejecting Christ is like refusing the offer of a plea agreement to take the death penalty instead! "Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him" (John 3:36 NIV).
The choice is yours! What you decide has eternal consequences. You can choose eternal life (by accepting Jesus as God's Son and asking him into your life) or you can choose eternal death (by rejecting God and his Son). No one can afford to make another poor decision. Choose Christ!

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