Thursday, August 20, 2009

Keep It Hot! - THE EDGE by Coach Doug Reese

Competition to excel is often so intense that both the athlete and coach alike are continually searching for a physiological and psychological advantage over their opponents. Often times the competitive advantage is sought through increased training and practice. It could mean for the athlete more running, lifting of weights, more technical drilling, and lots of perfect repetitions.
The net effect of the extra workouts could result in Training Stress Syndrome, which is a term that sports psychologists use for the more common description - burnout. Burnout can affect many people - not just athletes.
Everyone feels tired and unmotivated at times, but this should not be a persistent feeling. Not only do the symptoms affect the athlete mentally, but also burnout can be physical as well.
The athlete can get weary or tired due to increased stress. This can make the athletes lose interest in their sports. Physical over-training can lead to feelings of fatigue and a lack of excitement.
When life or sport becomes boring, monotonous, or unexciting it slowly loses its speed or momentum. Athletes suddenly find that they have lost the drive, the thrust, the pace, and the speed it once possessed.
Our spiritual lives can burn-out as well - which leads to back sliding.
Our goal is to be on fire - not "burned out". Not cold, not luke-warm, but on fire. There is a temperature gauge on the inside of us that must be reached before we can be ignited. When we are "ignited," our whole being gets heated up. It causes our prayers to be effective, it causes us to influence others, and it causes our faith to rise!
You have to make it a goal to keep the fire burning. Then you will know where to go and what to do because you will be in a place where you will be able to hear God's voice.
The apostle Paul said, if you are going to run the race, then run to win! Go for the Gold! If you are going to win, you have to be HOT! You have to be ON FIRE! Just competing isn't good enough. When you are on fire, that's when you will see increase, that's when you will experience the breakthrough. That's when you will possess victory!
There is a finish line to cross. Each of us will be accountable to God on how we ran the race.
Did you sprint, or did you stroll? Did you leave it all on the course, or did you hold back? Did you focus on the finish, or did you get distracted and wander off course?
If you are not on fire, stir the coals. Get on your knees and thank God for your many blessings. Thank Him. Praise Him for who He is, and what He has done. Thank Him for sending His Son to the cross for you! Heartfelt praise, thanksgiving, and worship fan the flames. Keep it HOT!
"THE EDGE" is a teaching tool, coaching from today's world of sport to help better undertand the scriptures using Biblical facts and principles to help one become better coaches, athletes, and fan. We strive at TTNL to be Biblically correct in our teaching - not necessarily politically correct.
"THE EDGE with Coach Doug Reese" is part of the To The Next Level Sports Network.
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