Thursday, September 1, 2011

Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing
love, that we may sing for joy and be glad
all our days.   
                ( Psalms 90:14 *NIV )

Dear Charles,
 God is a friend and companion for those who love and obey
His Word.  For as king David said; 
Your word is a lamp to my 
fee and a light for my path.  ( Psalms 119:105 )

After all it is written; The Lord himself goes before you
and will be with you; He will never leave you nor
forsake you.   
So why not spend a little time in
prayer with God each and every day.  You will find Him to be
your very best Friend indeed!   Amen.

Now I would now like to share a poem with you, Charles. 
It is titled.....
                 "My Unseen Guest"

    God walks the trail with me each day,
    He is my Friend, My Guide
    However long or steep the road,
    He's ever by my side.

    He sits with me in evening's hush;
    We speak, we laugh, we pray,
    And my heart sings a joyful song...
    He's never far away.

    And through each dark and lonely night,
    He's guarding from above.
    In perfect peace, I rest secure
    In His eternal love.
                                   Poet, Lee Simmons

All My Love & Prayers,
  Pastor Allen 

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