Thursday, September 15, 2011

Beloved, if our heart does not condemn
us, we have confidence toward God. 
And whatever we ask we receive from
Him, because we keep His commandments
and do those things that are pleasing in
His sight. 
         ( 1 John 3:21-22 *NKJV )

Dear Charles,
  Now would you change the way that you live if you 
knew that God knew all of your thoughts, heard all of
your words, and knew all the desires of your heart?  Well 
Charles, He does for it is written; 
The Lord knows
the thoughts of man That they are futile.  
For He also; knows the secrets of the heart. .
        ( Psalms 94:11 ) & ( Psalms 44:21 )

Now when we try our best to have pure thoughts and
desires and follow the Commandments put forth by
God, we often get our prayers answered.  For it is
The effective, fervent prayer of a
righteous man avails much. ( James 5:16 )

So Charles, when you speak be careful of the words you
use, and keep them soft and sweet.  For we are to 
always encourage one another and build
each other up,  Most of all, always think before you speak so
The words of my mouth and the meditation
of my heart be acceptable in Your sight O Lord ,
my strength and my Redeemer. 
  ( 1 Thessalonians 5:11 )  ( Psalms 19:14 )  

Now my friend, have a Great Week and may it be filled with 
blessings indeed!   Amen.

All My Love & Prayers,
      Pastor Allen

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