Monday, September 5, 2011

Fwd: Good Morning, Charles

Jesus said; "I no longer call you servants,
because a servant does not know his
master's business. Instead, I have called
you friends, for everything that I learned
from my Father I have made known to you.
                ( John 15:15 *NIV )

Dear Charles,
  "Oh, what a Friend we have in Jesus!"   A friend that is
always there for us no matter what!   A friend that loves,
comforts and guides us through out this life.   A friend that loved
us so much that HE gave HIS life to pay for our sins!   After all;
"For God so loved the world that he gave His
one and only Son, that whoever believes in
Him shall not perish but have eternal life.  
                                        ( John 3:16 )

Now it is written; Greater love has no one than this,
that he lay down his life for his friends, and that
is exactly what Jesus did for  us!  ( John 15:13 )

So whenever you see the Cross, think about the tremendous
price that HE paid for all of us!   Why not stop right now and
thank HIM for all of the things HE has done for you as well.  Also
right about now, why not sing to yourself that beautiful old Hymn,
"What A Friend We Have In Jesus." For what a friend we have
indeed!!!   Amen.

 Have a Wonderful Week, Charles, and please try not to sing
out of key like I do.  Ha Ha

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